Pizza is one of the popular fast foods of the Slovaks. We reach for it every day even on bigger occasions. Yet many of us still don’t know where the box should go after a meal. Unlike taxation, this is not so obvious because it depends on the pizza we are talking about.

The obligation to separate waste has been valid for several years, but for some products it still causes problems. Therefore, if we have any doubts, it is always better to check how to rely on our feeling. What about pizza box? Many people make a mistake here.

Where to throw out the box from the pizza?

Of course, the first association is a paper container, because the pizza box is made of cardboard. Meanwhile, this is not always a good choice.

  • It should be remembered that the packaging is often heavily contaminated with food residues and greasy. In this form, it should be placed in a mixed waste container.

But it will not always be so.

  • In the case of a pizza from a store that is also secured with foil, the cardboard can be safely thrown into a blue basket for paper. It will not be dirty and can be recycled with other similar waste.

Where to throw canned fish and fish products? Many people make this mistake