Unhappy and stripped sweater? Here are 2 incredible tricks to save him

by Andrea

An unhappy and shrunk sweater seems the end of the world, right? But it is not said that it is really unrecoverable. Indeed, with a couple of simple tricks, within everyone’s reach, you can really save your favorite garment and maybe save the displeasure (and shopping) to have to replace it. Sometimes it is not enough: a wrong wash, a too energetic centrifuge or too high a temperature, and you find yourself with a rigid and sad mini-chef.

It happens more often than you think, especially when dealing with wool. And if it is cashmere, merinos or alpaca, the disaster weighs even more. It is often thought that it is the fault of the washing machine, but the truth is that certain fabrics do not forgive. Even the synthetic materials, which seem more “robust”, can lose shape or color with a washing off -phase. So what? Throw everything? Macché. It is always worth trying, especially when the solutions are already at home and really work.

It is often said that when a sweater is unhappy it is to be thrown away. But who said it? In reality, it is only a matter of knowing the right precautions. And no, you don’t need to make magic or spend money in expensive treatments. A pinch of patience is enough, some towels and ingredients that are probably already in the pantry. Curious? Here’s where to start.

Unhappy sweater? Here’s how to wash without ruining it

Before talking about solutions, it is worth dwelling for a moment on what causes the problem. Very often, in fact, everything starts from a washing made with the best intentions but with little attention. Wool is a lively fiber, and as such it has its needs: he suffers thermal changes, does not like jackets and hates aggressive detergents. Although the washing machine promises “special wool” cycles, sometimes it is not enough. The safest method? The good old hand wash. A basin with warm water (not boiling!) Fill itself, add a little Marseille soap and leave the sweater to soak for about twenty minutes. No rubbing or twisting. Only changes of water every now and then and delicate movements. Then the excess of water is removed by dabbing with a towel and becomes dry horizontally, preferably in a ventilated and direct sun.

If you have to use the washing machine, the important thing is to set the wool or delicate program, keep the temperature below 30 ° and deactivate the centrifuge, if possible. Even the detergent wants its part: it is better to choose a specific one and not to overdo the dose.

Two incredible tricks to recover a shrunken sweater

When the damage is done and the sweater seems lost, do not panic. There are two methods that can really help bring it back to a decent size. They are not miraculous solutions, but they work surprisingly well.

  • The first trick is with Borace. Yes, just him. It is easily found in the pharmacy or online. In a basin with warm water, two tablespoons of Borace are melted for each liter. The sweater is immersed for about 15 minutes. During soaking, you can change the water once to keep it warm. Then the sweater spreads on a towel, buffer it and put some other towels inside to give it shape. At this point, the fabric with the hands begins to slowly extend. Last step: you let it dry on a crawling, in the air.
  • The other remedy provides for the use of white vinegar. It works because it relaxes natural fibers, making them more malleable. In a saucepan you put the sweater with water and a half liter of vinegar, then it takes everything to a sweet boil. After about an hour, let it cool, rinse first with warm and then cold water. Here too, proceed as before: dabbing, lengthening gently and drying.

But be careful: these methods are good only for natural fabrics. The synthetics react badly to heat and chemical treatments. There, the only defense is prevention.

Wool, cashmere and meinos: better prevent cure

When you have a cashmere or merinos sweater in your hands, you immediately understand that it is not any garment. Not only for the price, but for the feeling it gives: softness, warmth, lightness. But this beauty needs attention. It takes little to ruin it, and it’s a shame.

These garments are not just clothes, they are investments. It is worth treating them carefully: no centrifuges, banners banned and never leave them hanging too long. Believing them is the best choice.

And if an accident happens, trying recovery always makes sense. Because seeing a sweater returning in shape after giving it for lost is a unique satisfaction. A bit like giving life to something that was thought to be finished. A small gesture, but which is good for mood, wallet and also to the environment.

How to recover an unhappy shirtHow to recover an unhappy shirt

So, the next time the laundry plays bad jokes, better not to despair immediately. Maybe, between a basin and a little vinegar, the secret is hidden to save the sweater of the heart.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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