Maybe your mind and body are asking for help and so far you have not realized
If you have tried to look for the glasses with him on his face or forgot the name of a co -worker he sees every day, maybe it is time to admit: You’re too tired!
Excessive tiredness can affect memory, humor and even motor skills (yes, that inexplicable fall can be the fault of accumulated sleep).
With that in mind, to help you recognize the signs that your body and mind are asking for help, we have listed six unmistakable alerts.
6 Signs that you are too tired and need rest:
1. You no longer know what is real and what was a dream
Starting our list, if you started doubting if you really paid that account or just dreamed that you did it, tiredness is crossing the line.
Your brain is no longer separating fiction from reality – and this can be a problem, especially for your credit card bill.
2. Your patience is valid for a second
If any sound, movement or even the breath of others already makes you annoyed, it is a clear sign of exhaustion.
Extreme tiredness transforms even the more Zen person into a ready-to-explode time pump to explode to the slightest sign of contradiction.
3. You forget basic words in the middle of the sentence
“You can give me that… that business… The thing… Ah, you know what I’m talking about!” If your phrases are looking like a mime game, your brain may be urgently needing a rest.
4. Your body decided to enter the economic mode (even without your consent)
Another thing is that if you have already stumbled on your own feet or pour coffee on your lap without any plausible, know that your body is in the “defective autopilot” mode.
Motor coordination does not match extreme tiredness.
5. Coffee no longer has an effect (and maybe even gravity)
If your cup of coffee is stronger than your Wi-Fi and yet you keep yawning as if you have watched a talk from some internet coach, then the problem is not caffeine.
The problem is the lack of rest.
6. Your mood swings a lot
Finally, if you are laughing in a moment and, in the other, you want to cry because someone has eaten the last piece of cake, you can bet: you are too tired.
The exhausted brain does not deal well with emotions and can turn any small frustration into a soap opera drama.
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