A drink for a good night’s sleep and calmness. It helps to burn fat and has anti -inflammatory properties

by Andrea
A drink for a good night's sleep and calmness. It helps to burn fat and has anti -inflammatory properties

Golden milk is a combination of cow’s milk with various spices. As a result, the drink is delicious, aromatic, and at the same time extremely healthy. How exactly does our body affect?

In gold milk we will find a wealth of such spices as turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper. The drink is enriched with this honey. Such a mixture makes it a real vitamin bomb that will have a positive effect.

Each of these spices shows strong anti -inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects. Golden milk will therefore be perfect during undergoing infections such as colds or flu. Will help in getting rid of inflammation, including feversoothing their course and symptoms. Fat content in milk, The addition of honey and butter will soften sore throat And they will reduce the hoarseness, and also facilitate the closing down of the residual secretions.

Added to this regularly golden milk will strengthen the body and its immunity. It will reduce the risk of pathogens attack and infection. For this reason, drinking it is recommended not only during illness, but also as a diet variety. They should be given in particular to children and the elderlybecause these are groups with a weakened immune system, and thus, they are more exposed to illness.

In addition to anti -inflammatory properties, golden milk also has a calming effect. It is worth drinking a cup of drink before bedtime calm down the body and relax. In addition, golden milk can support nightbody egene, as well as accelerate fat burning processes – All this thanks to the spices contained in them: ginger, turmeric or cinnamon.

Grandma’s golden milk made me when I was little and I started to take my illness. Despite this, I do not associate the drink with an unpleasant cold, and sometimes rest from school with my beloved grandmother. Strong The spicy of the drink aroma heats up wellthat’s why it’s best to drink it in the evening, lying in bed. Honey adds pleasant sweetness, but it doesn’t make the whole thing bland. I prepare gold milk so far, thanks to which I have not been suffering for a long time. Be sure to try with weakened immunity.


  • 2 cups of milk or plant drink,
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric,
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon,
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger,
  • 1 teaspoon of honey,
  • 1/2 teaspoon of butter,
  • A pinch of pepper.

Pour milk or plant drink into a saucepan, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, a pinch of pepper and the whole start heats upĆ. Mix everything from time to time with a whisk. Milk Bring to a boiland then download them from the burner. To the contents of the saucepan Add butter, mix And put the drink to cool.

When the milk is slightly warm, Add honey to it and mix again. Ready Pour gold milk into cups and be sure to serve right away after preparation.

Source: NowowoPuje.pl


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