Preparing a home face mask does not have to be complicated or expensive. Sometimes a popular vegetable enriched with several ingredients is enough for this, and our skin will be radiant, firm and healthy. We suggest how to make an effective and cheap home mask.
If you want to make a homemade mask, it is worth reaching for a vegetable that most of us have in your kitchen. I am talking about carrots, which is available in stores throughout the year.
It is not only a tasty ingredient in many dishes, but can also be a valuable element of a homemade mask, because it has many beneficial properties for the skin. Here are the advantages of using a skin carrot:
- Antioxidant effect – The ingredients contained in carrots protect the skin against free radicals, delaying the aging process.
- Beta-Karoten – This vegetable contains large amounts of beta-carotene, which supports regeneration, improves its color and gives a healthy glow.
- Hydration and nutrition – Thanks to the content of vitamins A, C, E and minerals, the skin becomes more moisturized and elastic.
- Equalization of the color – The carrot mask can help reduce discoloration and give the skin a uniform color.
- Relieving inflammation – Carrots soothes irritated skin, reduces redness and supports healing of minor changes.
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Another advantage of a homemade carrot mask is that it is extremely easy to prepare. We will do it in just a few moments, and the effects of its regular use will be satisfying.
We will need to prepare this mask 1 carrots, 1 yolks, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt. These additional ingredients will increase the level of skin hydration and firm it.
The first step is to wash and peel the carrot. Then rub it on a grater on small mesh and put the resulting paste into a bowl. We add yogurt, yolk and honey to this and mix thoroughly. We put the mask on a dry and cleansed face. We leave it for a quarter of an hour and wash it with lukewarm water.
Let us remember, however, that in order to get the desired results, The treatment should be repeated at least once a week. Let’s not forget about daily moisturizing the skin.
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