Patient from the US (30) doctors diagnosed the insidious disease that caused her pain throughout her body. It is believed that during a three -week trip to Thailand, Japan and the Hawaiian Islands, it could be infected with dangerous parasites. ., ‘ The disease found her almost two weeks after returning home.
An unnamed woman is has become the subject of a case study of the New England Journal of Medicine published on February 12. The doctors claimed that a patient visited three hospitals to find out the cause of her symptoms. According to them, she complained about several symptoms such as burning in the feet that spread to the legs and then got to the center of the body and handswith The smallest touch of this feeling was getting worse.
After examining her doctors initially claimed that everything looked normal but at The next day the woman woke up and started to pack anywhere on vacation. A family member tried to explain a confused relative that no stay was reserved. Of fear of her health visited a hospital where it was found to have a parasite called in the body Angiostrongylus cantonensis. It is a worm that is most often found in the lungs of rats, and if it reaches the brain, it can cause inflammation of the cerebral membrane.
The parasite is usually found in rats. (illustration photo)
How could a woman get the disease?
It is believed that a woman got the disease after eating unwashed vegetables. Parasite Starts its life cycle in the lungs of rodents while being easily extended to snails. Doctors therefore believe that The mollusk could crawl on the vegetables and leave behind this worm, which was then consulted by the patient.
Parasite expert Robert Cowie, Professor at Hawaiian University, pointed out the ignorance of doctors about this disease. He explained that such errors may be fatal for patients. He also pointed out that must urgently take anti -worm medication to prevent life -threatening consequences as soon as possible.
The parasite could be transferred from a vegetable snail. (illustration photo)
An unnamed woman is not the only one that had to fight this disease. Problems were also caused by the young man Sam Ballard, who as a 19-year-old ate a snail to show off in front of his friends. However, this one was this one in the animal a parasite that caused him weakness, foot pain and consequently also inflammation of the cerebral membranes.
Because of this state man he fell into a 420-day coma, and when he woke up, he was severely affected and couldn’t move the lower limbs at all. After almost ten years full of health problems Sam finally died in November 2018 as a 28-year-old.