Edible soda for rapid cucumber growth: Here’s how to use how to use

by Andrea

You have probably noticed how many possible and seemingly impossible uses have ordinary edible soda. It is used for cooking, cleaning – or to support cucumber growth. There is nothing complicated, nor nature will not be angry.

It is no surprise that healthy plants always benefit better and grow faster than those that have to face any disease. So how do you ensure that garden crops grow like water? Let’s take one of the most popular garden crops, cucumber.

See youtube also on video from Productive Garden:

Source: YouTube

Take to help soda

Cucumbers are generally susceptible to various fungal diseases, such as dangerous powdery mildew. If we want to effectively defend the plants from him, but also from other dangers, we can take just baking soda. Working with her will be simple and surprisingly effective. It will be enough to prepare a solution from it by adding one tablespoon of soda to a liter of water and mix everything well.

Add a drop of soap

For better adhesion to cucumber leaves, you can also add a few drops of liquid soap to the solution. Once everything is dissolved and connected thoroughly, pour the liquid mixture into the sprayer and treat the cucumbers. If you repeat this procedure every week, there will be no trace of fungal diseases and cucumbers will grow as a race.

Why does it work?

Why does eda soda actually protect cucumbers from molds? As a slight pH of around 8.3, it can regulate these values ​​on the leaves thanks to spraying. While mushrooms love more acidic environments, the leaves of the cucumbers treated with the exact opposite. The finding that it is an alkaline chemical, but also another lesson – that is, that it is necessary to consistently follow the dosage, so that the cucumbers should not be bored with burned leaves.

Healthy leaves mean vital cucumbers

At the beginning we promised to support cucumber growth. This is the case, because healthy leaves can better “recharge” the energy plant needed to be prosperity thanks to the better photosynthesis process. Outside the leaves, soda also helps to maintain a healthy underground part of the plant, ie roots. In this case, it will not be a spray protection, but a classic watering. The solution must be much weaker than the aforementioned treatment. This time it will be the only teaspoon of five liters of water. Even so, it will be rich enough, especially if you repeat such a watering every two weeks.

Will also help the soil

The dressing with a slight solution of soda will help strengthen the roots and, besides, (as we can deduce) gently increases the pH of the soil and thus relieves it of mold seeds. In addition, the absorption of nutrients from the soil roots and their distribution to other parts of the plant will be supported. This is also an important part of cucumber care for which we want to achieve the best possible health. For this care, we will rightly expect a rich crop from them.

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Without chemistry but equally effectively

Cucumber treatment with baking soda is also friendly to nature, so such intervention does not have to determine for a long time or sworn opponents of the use of chemical products in growing domestic crops. In addition, this powder in shops is available at a really reasonable price, so why not use it for a good cause?

Sources: www.housedigest.com, www.prirodneazdrave.cz, living.iprima.cz

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