The president of, was a character of two dinners in recent weeks with politicians and cultural personalities. In one of these meetings, he opened the doors of his home in Brasilia to receive authorities and other guests.
A, in January, was accompanied by projection also outside the daily life of the institution. It circulates in various groups, besides expanding its dialogue with the political world.
Galipolo was the guest of honor of a dinner in a large apartment in the neighborhood of Higienópolis, in São Paulo, on the night of March 7, a Friday. Among the participants were lawyers, plastic artists and doctors.
The dinner was offered by lawyer Rodrigo Rocha Monteiro de Castro, acting in the areas of corporate law, mergers and sports law. The meeting was not registered on the BC agenda.
In making the presentation, the journalist, who is a columnist for SheetHe exalted the qualities of the BC president, but suggested that they would not expect from gallipolle investment tips.
Also jokingly, according to reports, Kfouri said the guests may be facing a future president of the Republic. Professional specializing in sports and Corinthian coverage, he joked that Galipolo could have this future, despite being Palmeirense. The president of the BC laughed.
As in other reserved events, Galipolo was asked about the reasons for recent decisions of the institution, especially those related to the policy of.
According to reports, the president of the BC commented on the composition of the board of the institution and answered questions about interest and inflation. He explained, for example, that the bank’s president has no ancestry about the other directors and that decisions, therefore, must be negotiated.
The conversation occurred outside the silence period – in which the Central Bank board cannot make statements on monetary policy committee matters. The period currently in place began on the 13th and runs until the 25th.
Days after that event, Galipolo was the host of a dinner that was attended by the presidents of, Luis Roberto Barroso, the Hugo Motta (Republicans-PB), and Senate, Davi Alcolumbre (Brazil-AP Union). The meeting took place on Monday (10).
Also there were the Special Secretary of the IRS, Robinson Barreirinhas, the Government leader in Congress, Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (PT-AP), and Senate Vice President Eduardo Gomes (-to), who was once leader of the Government of (PL).
Dinner was offered to the businesswoman and the singer. The meeting was described as informal and friendly, with the presence of the spouses of some of the guests.
Part of the conversations, according to those present, underwent discussions about projects in Congress. Gomes, for example, are rapporteur of and debate the protection of copyright in this sector, which.
Since taking over the bank’s presidency, Galipolo has been advised in some episodes by Minister Sidônio Palmeira (Secretariat of Social Communication). In one of these cases, when the BC announced rules for Pix Chaves, the two exchanged impressions of the bank’s statement, with the aim of avoiding a new misinformation crisis about the means of payment.
In recent years, proximity to the political world has made Galipole’s predecessor in the central bank targeting criticism and accusations of breach of independence. In the case of Roberto Campos Neto, his interactions were frequent with Bolsonaro’s ministers and allies. He even put on the Brazilian team’s shirt, worn by Bolsonarists, to vote in the 2022 elections.
GALIPOLO WITH THE PRESIDENT (PT). In November, he attended meetings with the petista about the tax package prepared by Minister Fernando Haddad (Farm). In December, he went to the first -level year -end celebration of the government.
On both occasions, Galipole was still director of BC monetary policy – therefore, of being effective as president.
Despite the role played by Galipole, politicians see few signs of immediate claims by the Central Bank president in this area. There are some enthusiasts of the idea that he can play other roles in governments or even dispute elections. These observers, however, understand that this scenario would depend on a construction that would not be put today.