Do you grow peonies? If so, this recipe will be very useful for you as you can grow wonderfully lush shrubs with huge rings! Try, this method of fertilization is just what you need! Not everyone can equate the beauty of peonies. The rich pink balls growing from green shrubs adorn both a summer house and a flower garden to the city multi -storey.
For peonies to bloom abundantly and beautifully, they must be fertilized! When the snow melts, the first small shoots can already be seen. Therefore, you should not wait long and fertilize peonies. As soon as you notice the sprout out of the ground, start fertilizing!
If you are not one of those who make fertilizers yourself, you can just buy ready -made fertilizer for all flowering plants.
All trace elements necessary for healthy and lush flowering will already be sorted in the right proportions.
However, there are other fertilization methods! For example, you can dilute 40 g of urea in a bucket of water. Water the resulting liquid. If you have the necessary ingredients, you can make a fertilizer complex yourself. You will need 10 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate and 6 g of potassium salts. Mix the pellets and spread the shrubs on the wet soil.
Did you know that there is a simple fertilization recipe?
Peony fertilization with yeast is an effective and effective fertilizer! You will need 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons sugar and 11 g of regular dry yeast. Mix the ingredients and leave for 24 hours. Then dilute the liquid in 9 liters of water and pour over the peonies.
Fertilization of peonies in the spring is a very important procedure! It depends on whether the plant will become a lush and gorgeous shrub, or will only bloom.
Additional tips:
- Remember to mulch peonies! In addition to fertilization, it is very important to mulch the soil around peony shrubs in spring. Compost, rotting manure or even simple bark mulch is perfect for this. Mulch helps maintain moisture, improve soil structure and protect the roots from temperature fluctuations. It will also help prevent weed growth and maintain the longevity of the plants and abundant flowering.
- Proper watering provides strong peony rings! Although peonies are quite resistant plants, their roots love deep moisture. It is best to water rarely but abundantly, especially in spring and early summer, when buds are formed. When watered superficially, moisture does not reach deeper roots, which can lead to weaker flowering.
- SRemoval of the enes rings. For the plant to maintain beauty and energy for growth for longer, it is important to remove the dried flowers. Not only does it promote the formation of new rings, it also prevents disease.
Nuotraukos: @canva, @freepik
I am Jovita, one of the authors of articles. From an early age, I like to cook and I am glad that my mother allowed me to experiment in the kitchen. Favorite dishes are undoubtedly desserts. I also like to “spin” at home, so I try to give readers not only fun recipes, but also useful tips for housework.