Hungarians decide what the country will look like after the exchange of government

by Andrea

The non -parliamentary party Tisza initiated a questionnaire in which citizens can comment on what they believe should look the future of Hungary.

The vote initiated by the chairman of the Hungarian non -parliamentary party Tisza (respect and freedom) and MEP Péter Magyar began on Monday in Hungary. According to server, the questions relate to the future of Hungary after the exchange of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the TASR newsletter in Budapest informs.

The server pointed out that this is the largest political action of the Tisza. The questionnaire carries the signs of the referendum, but it is not officially. Magyar 15.

Voting issues should concern the areas of health, taxation, as well as membership of Hungary in the European Union and NATO, limitations of the Prime Minister’s term of office to two election cycles or a reduction in the prime minister’s wages and parliamentary deputies. The extra question is also announced to ask citizens if they are in the EU for joining Ukraine.

An anonymous questionnaire called “Voice of the Nation” will be able to fill in the Hungarians in person or online by April 11. The online form will be tied to registration with two -stage security to prevent abuse.


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