In 3 days he will kill the boxwood moth. Don’t miss this thermal! In this way you will save the bushes in front of the boxwood moth

by Andrea
Get ready in advance. There is no better way to get rid of boxwood moth. One hundred times better than vinegar. After 72 hours, the worms fall dead

When to spray on the boxwood moth? Do not miss this date

Our grandpa didn’t have this problem. Bukswan moth is relatively new. It was described in 1859 by English entomologist Francis Walker under the name Phakellura perspectalis. She came to Europe from Asia of two hundred thousand. In Poland, the boxwood moth appeared around 2012. Initially, the boxwood moth did not have natural opponents, therefore it spread very quickly around Poland. Bukswany moth is a kind of night butterfly that feeds with plants. The biggest pests are larvae that can strip whole bushes. In addition to damaged shoots and leaves, the boxwood moth covers the shrubs with “spider”, which limits plant growth. This is a characteristic symptom that the shrub was attacked by the boxwood moth. Interestingly, the boxwood moth attacks not only boxwood bushes, but also.

The boxwood moth begins to feed in early spring. During this period, caterpillars are the most active. The peak of larvae feeding falls in late spring. The first spraying for the boxwood moth should be carried out in early spring. Kwiecień is the optimal date. This is eliminated by the risk of laying eggs and reduce adults.

Homemade spraying for boxwood moth

It happens that the only effective way to get rid of boxwood moth is to remove it mechanically. However, this is a time -consuming activity that does not always guarantee success. A friend of the gardener told me his way. It turned out that getting rid of boxwood moth could be very easy. Just prepare homemade spraying for boxwood. Mix 2 tablespoons of soda cleaned with 1 tablespoon of vascular fluid and 1 liter of water. Mix the whole and spray the boxwood. Use spraying daily for 2 weeks. After spraying the plant, moth individuals should fall to the ground. .

In 3 days he will kill the boxwood moth. This is the most effective way

Among the most effective, purchased preparations for the boxwood moth is those that contain bacteria Bacillus Thuringiensis. This is the strongest, natural enemy of many pests. This bacterium inhabits the gastrointestinal pipes of the pests by joining the receptor proteins on the surface of the intestinal cells of insects. There, toxic proteins for caterpillars are produced. The damages attacked in this way die within a maximum of 3 days. Bacillus Thuringiensis is safe for people and animals. When choosing buying spraying on aphids, make sure that the Bacillus Thlingiensis bacteria is in the composition.


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