Result adds the answers of interviewees who consider the administration ‘bad’ or ‘bad’; Already those who classified the management as ‘great’ and ‘good’ count 33.6%
According to a survey released by the Paraná Research Institute this Monday (24), the negative assessment of the government of (PT) in 39%. The result adds the answers of interviewees who consider the administration “bad” or “terrible”. Already those who have classified the management as “great” and “good” count 33.6%. Another 25.7% evaluate the government as “regular”.
For the 2026 elections, the former mayor of Salvador, ACM Neto (União Brasil), leads voting intentions with 52%. Secondly, Jerônimo Rodrigues accounted for 27.4%. In the last places are João Roma (PL) and Kléber Rosa (PSOL) with 8.1% and 1.5%, respectively.
Paraná Research has also heard the opinion of Bahia’s voters about the dispute for the Federal Senate. Petistas Rui Costa and Jaques Wagner appear in the first two positions with 43.8% and 34%, respectively. Then João Roma (PL) accounted for 24.6%.
For this research, a sample of 1640 voters was used in 65 municipalities. Such a representative sample of the state of Bahia reaches a degree of confidence of 95.0% for an estimated margin of error of approximately 2.5 percentage points for general results.