Sara Norte criticizes Vanessa Martins after outburst: “She could buy a ship and go to another planet…”

by Andrea
Sara Norte critica Vanessa Martins após desabafo: “Ela podia era comprar uma nave e ir para outro planeta…”

Last Thursday, March 20, Vanessa Martins shared an outburst in her Instagram account, about the “chaos” lived at the airport, due to delays and lack of air conditioning.

In a joke, the digital influencer also left a ‘message’ to critics, anticipating possible comments.

“I’m going to work hard to just ride a private jet in the future. (To the bad with life please don’t take what I say so to chest, who’s going to jet is me, you can continue to walk by plane)”he wrote.

Vanessa Martins’s post was a theme in the program ‘Red Passadeira’ and Sara Norte was “without patience” for this type of speeches.

“Oh she has so much joke, only not”started by saying. “I don’t think anything bad, I think it is … It’s those jokes that have no joke, it’s privileged conversation that I don’t have much patience. She could buy a spacecraft and go to another planet.”said later.

Faced with the ‘shock’ air of Liliana Campos and colleagues Filipa Torrinha Nunes and Nuno Azinheira, who considered “an exaggeration” the words of Sara Norte, the commentator confessed that she does not sympathize with the creator of digital content.

“I still got Sadik, do not play with me! Got the Sadik of Marco, of both, the dog she never let guard shared. I since that day, I do not sympathize, the truth is this, because it shows a lot.”admitted.

And ended with a reflection: “I am not politically correct, I am not, I will neither be nor I want to be. May she complain about the delays, now the rest to me is a bullshit conversation but it is also a life of privileged.”considered, finally.

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