In vote with a single candidate, the president of CBF, Ednaldo Rodrigueshe was reelected for another four years of office at the head of the entity. The confirmation took place this Monday (24/03). The leader, in office since August 2021, received unanimous vote.
Ednaldo Rodrigues thus secured the quadrennium post from March 2026 until March 2030. The top hat is 71 years old and was born in Vitória da Conquista, Bahia.
The president of CBF never revealed his heart team, But it has already been commented that Vitória, from Bahia, is the club that has the fans of the leader.
In March 2023, the President of the Republic, Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, spoke about the matter at the presentation ceremony of the Women’s World Cup, which went through the countries participating in the competition. Ednaldo was next to Lula.
– First, I wanted to greet our guests, the president of CBF, Ednaldo. Bahian companion from Vitória da Conquista, a team of Vitória, a team that I hope too, although most of my friends are fans of Bahia – said the politician.
In March 2022, the then president of the Northeast League, Alexi Portela, who was also president of Vitória, said Ednaldo did not “open the game” about his team.
– He doesn’t say his team. Once I asked. He replied, “Ah, I cheer for Bahia football” – said Portela, in an interview with the website “UOL”.
First black and northeastern president in CBF’s secular history, Ednaldo Rodrigues was reelected on Monday (24) unanimously for a four-year term (from 2026 to 2030) at the head of the entity. He obtained an unprecedented vote. Received all the votes from 27…
– CBF Futebol (@cbf_futebol)
CBF President: Connection with Vitória
Vitória was one of the 13 Series A clubs that signed last week, support document to Ednaldo Rodrigues. The teams of the Brasileirão that were part of the letter were: Palmeiras, Sao Paulo, Botafogo, Vasco, Cruzeiro, International, Youth, Atlético-MG, Grêmio, Bahia, Sport, Vitória and Ceará. The remaining seven Serie A clubs also supported Ednaldo, but by call.
Vitória’s president, Fábio Mota, is a strong ally of Ednaldo Rodrigues. When the president of the CBF was removed from power in January 2024 by decision of the Rio de Janeiro Court of Justice (TJRJ), Fábio Mota came out in defense of Ednaldo.
At the time, the TJRJ contested Ednaldo’s election process.
– It comes from the Northeast, he has indigenous descent, this is not easy, facing these things. As a northeastern, as Bahia, I’ve been through many of these too – said Fabio Mota, in an interview with “CNN”.
MORE: How much earns Ednaldo Rodrigues, president of CBF?
Ednaldo Rodrigues: Who is
Ednaldo, who became amateur soccer player in the 1970s and 1980s, graduated in Accounting in 1991. He then took courses in Financial Audit and Administrative Management. He was President of the Conquest League League of Terrestrial Discussions and Director of the Interior Department of the Bahian Football Federation (FBF) between 1992 and 2000. In 2001, he was elected president of the Bahian Football Federation, being reelected three times and occupying the post by 2018.
He was interim president of the CBF between 2021 and 2022.[2] On March 23, 2022, Ednaldo Rodrigues was elected president of the Brazilian Football Confederation. After suspicions of irregularities in the election in which he won, the leader was deposed of office on December 7, 2023.[4] Just under a month later, Ednaldo was reappointed to office on January 4, 2024, by Minister Gilmar Mendes of the Federal Supreme Court. However, the decision will still be analyzed by the plenary of the Supreme Court.
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