He sees the world for the magnifying glass of an artist, but with the rigor that every lawyer has in his luggage. The Executive Director of the Verde Ponto Society has lost its charms through the universe of sustainability since 2018. He says that he only remains “to conduct a trash truck” and a good leader must reach everyone and lead by example. It is the guest of this episode of podcast the CEO is the limit
Between pairs, Ana Trigo de Morais is pointed out as “the strong woman” of sustainability and recycling in Portugal. Training Lawyer, with the Arts Management Course, leads the Ponto Verde Society (SPV) since 2018, where it has strategically managed a set of subjects ranging from environmental policy, education and environmental citizenship, strategy for industries or regulation. Its life motto “if one thing deserves to be done, it deserves to be well-made.” And therefore, he argues that “no leader can present results if he has no ability to lead people.”
Sister in the middle of a family of three and one of the 17 grandchildren of a military grandfather, whom he inherited “the Rigor, very rigor, and not being afraid to risk ”, the CEO of the Verde Ponto Society grew in Leça da Palmeira and her permanent restlessness was worth the nickname“ Water Girl ”. She graduated in law and even practiced the profession, but for a short time:” The justice machine was at that time. Very slow, very bureaucratic, very subservient, “he recalls.
Ana Trigo de Morais derived the route to the associative world early and for culture. Over the years he has performed leadership and management functions at the Portuguese Industrial Association, at the S. Carlos Theater and at the Belém Cultural Center. “I always felt that opportunities arose in my life because I also let them happen. I had a lot of curiosity and learned a lot in the places I went through,” he notes. And the way recalls the central importance that temporary work had in his training as a professional: “I still think that studying and part of part-time is an important gateway to the job market.”
He arrived at the Ponto Verde Society in 2018 and confesses that he has not yet fulfilled one of his aspirations: to conduct a garbage truck. Confesses that the The greatest challenge he faced, and still faces, “is the fact that this is a very technical area, in which many disciplines, a lot of specialty, a lot of engineering, a lot of innovation, are called.” The hardest thing, he says, was to cross all these dimensions of what it is to work in the sustainability sector.
A management and leadership challenge that had already played in your career because now, the challenge is not just to manage a company, is to “manage an organization that provides more than 8000 companies. We are working for the community, to the country.” Defender of a leadership model for example, Ana Trigo Morais says that “we need to have good leaders. We have to have good examples to follow” and that, at a time when the world “shakes under our feet, we need to lead with headlights, looking forward, with vision.”
The CEO is the limit is the leadership podcast and career of Expresso. Every week journalist Cátia Mateus shows him who they are, how they started and what they did to reach the top the Portuguese managers who marked the past, those who drive the present, and those who promise to shape the future. Inspiring stories, told in the first person, who dare to make it happen. Listen to other episodes: