Kamila Součková 24. 3. 2025 clock 4 minutes video
“My name is Maxík. I weigh 3.2 kilograms and I am healthy”. This is how the happy parents of the newborn on social networks usually report the arrival of the offspring. Everybody wants a healthy child. The same dogs. Each of us wants his furry four -legged happiness to live with him as long as possible.
Consider the breed before buying a dog
However, some breeds are susceptible to more serious health problems. Although we cannot purely flat -rate, it is known that Bulldogs, for example, often worry about respiratory problems and cocker spaniels with the ever -recurring infection. The account with veterinarians has been addressed for their entire life for a really high sum. The guarantee that dogs will still be healthy like a cornice does not exist, even if you buy a perfect dog with a perfect pedigree and a card of origin framed gold.
Top 10 of the healthiest dogs in the world in this YT video:
Source: YouTube
Compared to the “problems” as bulldogs and cocker spaniels, however, there are a number of breeds where breeders record minimal health problems and diseases. As a lover of everything that has four furry legs and the owner of dogs since childhood, I have been devoted to the topics of “dogs” quite carefully for more than 30 years. And I have prepared for you a list of those dog races that have the prerequisites to make the owner happy even two decades and it with a small number of health problems.
The fact that the chihuahua has many times the size of a small baguette is released a lot of energy. He has lived for 20 years, and that is something. Some of my friends say that Chihuahua tends to obesity, so be careful, please do not exceed.
Poodles are divided into three branches – standard, mini and Toy (from the English “toy”). The poodles are very intelligent, so they are easy to practice. They are also beyond the social creatures, they are very well with children and can withstand other pets – hamsters, bunnies and other dogs. Breeders claim that with increasing age in these curls, they solve less health problems than other races. He has lived for 15 years.
This breed loves human interaction and very much likes to play, so count on regular purchase of various toys, stuffed toys, puzzles, balls… Pointer is a fast train, can run at a speed of 56 kilometers per hour. If you give him good care, of course, including regular visitor visits, there is a great chance that he will stay healthy until the end of his life. Life length: I 14 years.
It is a little more demanding breed, because it requires a lot of attention and you have to exercise it quite well. Bígl is an active breed, friendly and is not afraid of anything. He has lived for 15 years.
Italian greyhound
Speed runner as embroidered. Slim, skillful. Overflows with energy. Chrts need to train quite well and exercise regularly, daily! But they have a nice nature, which at first glance does not seem because of their size. My doctor has greyhounds and said she does not have too high IQ, but otherwise she is happy with him, she likes to cuddle. I do not want to touch anyone, now I come up with the information about the lower intelligence quotient, but I just share with you experience from my surroundings. Chrtík lives for 15 years.
Havanský dog
Even “Havaňák”, as we call him, can accompany us with life for 15 years. As his name suggests, he comes from Cuba. Because the capital of Cuba is Havana.
Like a puppy, it looks like the largest little furry ball you have ever seen. Bichonek little lazy, which is great news for both allergy sufferers and those whose standard is polished household. Bichon does not even require God knows how long walks and if you take good care of him with love, lasts for 15 years.
Source: www.aol.com