A State University of Campinas (Unicamp) released this Monday (24) the schedule related to the vestibular 2026. As registration can be done from the day August 1.
A, while the second will happen in the days November 30 e December 1. The list of approved will be released in January 23, 2026.
The exam calendar was defined at a meeting held with those responsible for the entrance exams of the public universities of São Paulo. The institutions perform their own selection processes. Because of this, the definition aims to prevent dates from coinciding and students from being harmed.
Exemption from the registration fee
Exemption from the registration fee may be requested from May 12 until the day June 6. Candidates who meet the required requirements must apply for exemption from the registration fee, which will be valid for the Unicamp 2026 entrance exam and the Enem-Unicamp 2026 modality, exclusively over the internet, on the Comvest page.
The same goes for sending the necessary documentation (which will be included in the notice to be published soon), which should be sent on the internet in the same period. The list of contemplated by the exemption will be released in July.
Reduction in the number of questions
The second phase test of this year’s edition will have two less questions in the second daywhich is when the specific tests of the chosen course area are applied. In this way, the second day of tests will have 18 questions and no more questions.
The purpose of the change, according to Comvest director José Alves de Freitas Neto, is to leave the evidence less exhaustive, considering the. “The reduction considers the issues of the specific part of the exam, according to the area of knowledge, in which the candidates are more striking because of the respective weights of each subject. We believe that, with the adjustment, candidates will have more time to read the statements well and articulate the requested information,” he explained in a press release sent to the press.
With the change the candidates will have, on the second day of tests of the second phase, which answers the following amount of questions:
- Candidates from the Human Sciences/Arts: 5 History Questions, 5 of Geography, 1 Philosophy and 1 of Sociology
- Natural Sciences Candidates: 7 Biology and 5 Chemistry questions
- Candidates from the exact/technological sciences area: 7 Physics and 7 Chemistry questions
The other tests of the second phase of the unicamp entrance exam will not be changed and follow:
First day – proofs common to all candidates:
- (consisting of 2 proposals of texts so that the candidate eleves and executes only one proposal)
- Portuguese Language and Portuguese Language Language Proof, with 6 questions
- Interdisciplinary proof with 2 English language questions and 2 interdisciplinary questions of Natural Sciences
- with 6 questions for the courses in the areas of exact/technological sciences; 4 questions for the courses in the areas of Biological Sciences/Health and 4 questions for the courses in the areas of Human Sciences/Arts
- Interdisciplinary proof with 2 interdisciplinary questions of humanities
Unicamp 2026 entrance exam schedule
- Request for exemption from the registration fee: May 12th to June 6th;
- Entries and payment of registration fee: August 1st to September 1st;
- Proof of Specific Skills – Music: September;
- 1st phase of the entrance exam: October 26;
- 2nd phase of the entrance exam: November 30th to December 1st;
- Specific Skills Proofs: December 3 to 5;
- Disclosure of those approved in the 1st call: January 23, 2026.