Pansies symbolize spring. These flowers flourish in April and can bloom even throughout the summer. Poles often choose them to their gardens, terraces and balconies, because they delight with colors, from intense yellow, through purples, to white and orange shades.
Of course, so that they delight with their appearance, we must properly take care of them. Fortunately, their cultivation is not difficult, so they will be the perfect choice even for beginner gardeners. Without a doubt, they will be useful.
The seedlings are small, but very quickly grow into large tuft. Therefore, we must leave during planting 15-20 cm distance between them. We choose any pot or chest, but they must have drainage holes. Plants, we plant a depth of approx. 10 cm.
For these specimens, we choose the standard soil for flowers with the addition of perlite or sand. It must be fertile, light, well -permeable with a slightly acidic reaction, ranging from 5.0 to 5.8 pH. Pansies grow best in a semi -shaded position, sheltered from the wind.
Pansy bought in early spring, we usually store in rooms. Therefore, we must harde them before taking it outsidebecause they are not used to low temperatures. Otherwise they will start to wither. So for a few days you have to display seedlings for several minutes outside before they are moved permanently.
These specimens require regular watering. Their ground must be slightly moisthowever, not soaked. Let’s be careful not to soak leaves and flowers, as fungal diseases may develop, which will stop the plant growth and cause its browning.
An important care treatment is Removal of faded inflorescences (it’s best to cut them with small scissors). We then stimulate the plants to continue flowering.
Of course We must not forget about fertilizing the brotherly. We carry out this treatment every 2 weeks, using fertilizer for flowering plants or equally more effective, self -prepared nutrient from coffee coffee grounds.
Puffs will quickly start releasing large and lush flowers if we prepare a coffee coffee conditioner for them. This waste is rich in minerals, i.e. magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen compounds. They support the proper development and growth of plants.
In addition, coffee coffee grounds aerate the soil and improve its water capacity. So how do you prepare such a natural conditioner?
The recipe for conditioner from this waste is very simple. Just mix 3 tablespoons of coffee coffee grounds and water with such a mixture. Regular use of this fertilizer brings visible effects in the form of healthier and more intensely blooming plants.