The Sports Media and Marketing Company LiveMode is on the field to negotiate the rights of the transmission of 2026 World Cuprepeating the role it played in the 2022 championship, by choice of Fifa. This anus, a TV Globo You should not broadcast all games, something unheard of until then. This makes room for Livemode to exercise its spray strategy, which encompasses TV channels, open and closed, and platforms streaming.
“There is a very strong demand in the market, because if you look at any past World Cup hearing data, all games give a lot of audience, not only those in Brazil,” said Maurício Portela, partner and one of the founders of Livemode, in an interview with Infomoney.
The executive participated in a panel on the importance of leagues in sports business.
Another inheritance of the Qatar World Cup to Livemode is Cazétv, the result of a partnership with influencer Casimiro Miguel and which broadcast, more than 20 World Tournament games of 2022. The latest Cazétv achievement was the rights to broadcast the Club World Cup in July.
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When asked whether the channel may show the 2026 World Cup games, Portela says Livemode has the “FIFA hat” in transmission rights negotiations and seeks the opportunity that brings more return to the entity. “There is no predominance of ours,” he said.
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Check out the full interview of the Livemode founding partner Infomoney.
Infoomoney: How does the spray transmission differ from the negotiating model with a single vehicle? What are the next boundaries of this spraying?
Maurício Portela: I think League Forte União has created an organized, professional and inclusive process for all playerseven with Rede Globo as a partner, broadcasting an important part of the games. LFU clubs will make an average of $ 1.7 billion per season and this is a very relevant growth for them. I think today is less about looking for new borders and more about going organizing and professionalizing processes, to give the market chances and show the value of the product.
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IM: Livemode negotiates broadcasts, but also has its own vehicle [Cazé TV] In frank expansion. How are these two nuances conciliated?
MP: These are very separate things. In fact, in Brasileirão, Cazé TV did not buy right of broadcast. Who bought right was Youtube and they chose to broadcast by Cazé TV. This is a point of great attention and concern. Whenever they have these processes [de concorrência]we seek to bring the market to them. There is no predominance of ours. The important thing is that our partners, Federation Paulista and LFU, have the best result possible. Cazé TV is elsewhere. [Transmitir] The Club World Cup is an opportunity with FIFA and we pursue it. But they are well apart and we are careful to maintain this separation.
IM: You are the 2026 World Cup transmission rights officials. How are these negotiations?
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MP: The 2026 World Cup has an interesting feature, because, for the first time, Globo will not broadcast all games – so far is entitled to half. So there is a very strong demand in the market, because if you look at any past audience data, all games give a lot of audience, not only those in Brazil.
IM: Are there chances that Cazé TV is a transmitter?
MP: It will depend on what is best for FIFA. Let’s sit along with FIFA, show all the options the best, will be built. In this case, we have FIFA hat and help you maximize your projects, your content.
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IM: Recently, Livemode has announced that it intends to associate with sports entities. How is this strategy walking and what kind of entity do you look at?
MP: We think we have a very big opportunity to help Brazilian sport with all the experience we have, with all the results we have built so far. We are confident and safe from what we do. So we think that if we can come together deeply to some entities, we will give them another size. We have no news to share yet, but it is a job that we believe will have a very different result in the coming years.
IM: Large sports entities often manage their transmissions. Are you more flexible?
MP: In the world, there are different models. To the [ligas] Most of Americans do everything indoors. NBA, NFL, do a lot on their own. But if you go to Europe, it changes. FIFA never did it alone, she always had someone helping and Livemode appears in this place. I think there is already maturity in identifying where entities can act alone or need outside help. This is well divided.