Many Ukrainian soldiers train in the forests of the United Kingdom. Since the beginning of the war, Great Britain has instructed more than 52,000 military from the Ukraine Defense Forces. This military aid is baptized as “Operation Kudu”.
According to the media , The project covers the basic training of soldiers and instructors, and leadership courses for lower level commanders. In Ukraine, 60% of newcomers, 30% of the officers and 10% of the instructors are recruited for the program.
The adventure begins at the Interflex distribution and classification center, south of England, where the British give the cadets “everything they need.” “From uniforms, shoes, bulletproof vests and helmets, to personal hygiene products.” As for food, soldiers can choose between “several types of garrisons, meat and fish, salads, steamed vegetables, fruits, yogurts, coffee …”.
The course “has a duration of seven weeks, and Ukrainians are trained not only by instructors with theoretical knowledge, but also by specialists with an combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan “. This command “has never been in Ukraine, but monitors the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian Front daily based on reports of the Interflex headquarters.”
One of the innovations that the British began to implement in training, focusing on the experience of Ukrainians, is the use of drones. Speaking to the middle, the commander of this unit at the training center, confirms that They put a lot of emphasis on the use of unmanned vehicles. In addition, “we work very closely with Ukrainian UAV pilot instructors to really recreate the tactics and equipment they use in the front line.”
“Different tasks are assigned to each group. A group prepares an ambush, another goes for recognition, and the third has to eliminate enemy positions or evacuate the injured,” concludes the publication.