Attorney General argued that the complaint be received against all accused; Voting is scheduled to start in the afternoon
The Attorney General of the Republic, is the first to present his arguments to the ministers of the first class of the Supreme Federal Court () on Tuesday, 25, in the trial that will define whether the former president (PL) and seven other reported in the coup inquiry will be placed in the defendant bank. Defenses have the prerogative of speaking last in the podium. Therefore, it was the Attorney General who started the considerations about the case, after reading the report by the minister. Gonet argued that the complaint is received against all the accused. “The organization had as leaders the President of the Republic himself and his candidate for vice president, General Braga Netto. All accepted, encouraged and performed acts typified in the criminal legislation of attack against the existence and independence of powers and the Democratic Rule of Law,” said Gonet.
In a firm speech, the Attorney General sought to draw attention to the gravity of the coup plan and the risk he represented to the country’s democracy. The most blunt evidence was cited in different passages of the demonstration, such as the scammer draft and the discourse draft that would be read by Bolsonaro after the president’s deposition (PT). “The criminal organization documented its project and during investigations found manuscripts, digital files, spreadsheets and messages revealing the march of the democratic order rupture,” said Gonet.
As with the organization of the complaint, the attorney general connected different episodes that, in his assessment, culminated in the coup plan. The chronology originates in 2021. There was the beginning the discourse of “institutional rupture” led by Bolsonaro, according to the attorney general. The facts are chained until January 8, the “final act” of the coup movement, according to the timeline drawn by Gonet. “The crimes described in the complaint are not of instant occurrence. They make up a chain of articulated events so that, through strength or threat, the President of the Republic Jair Bolsonaro would not leave the power or return to him, contrary to the result of the elections,” followed the PGR.
The attorney general mentioned “especially striking facts” of the coup trajectory. Gonet quoted, for example, Bolsonaro’s speech on September 7, 2021, in São Paulo, when the former president threatened to breach STF decisions. It also recalled the consent with the scammer camps after the second round of the 2022 elections, the reiterated attacks on the electronic ballot box and the Bolsonaro meeting with ambassadors to reject the voting system in July 2022, which led the Electoral Court to decree the ineligibility of the former president.
“What was desired was to provoke a sense of indignation and revolt in the supporters of the then president. It was sought to become acceptable and even expected to use the force against the electoral result of defeat,” said Gonet.
The attorney general also mentioned Bolsonaro’s meeting with the Armed Forces summit to discuss the possibility of military intervention to nullify the result of the election of 2022. According to the complaint, Bolsonaro called the commanders of the Armed Forces-Marco Antonio Freire Gomes (Army), Carlos de Almeida Baptista Junior (Aeronautics) and Almir Garnier Santos (Marinha)-for a meeting. The ammunition to convince the high summit of the Armed Forces was a version of the “draft of the coup”, which would support the plot.
“When a President of the Republic, who is the supreme authority of the Armed Forces, brings together the summit of these forces to expose thorough planning to break with the constitutional order there is an act of insurrection ongoing,” criticized PGR.
The ministers of the First Class of the Supreme Court will decide whether there are enough elements to receive the complaint – which is called in the legal jargon of “just cause of criminal action”. Voting is scheduled to start in the afternoon. The attorney general said he was convinced of the complaint and the evidence presented and argued that the gathered elements are sufficient to receive the accusations. The merits of the imputations will only be analyzed at the end of the process, if it is opened, after testimonials of witnesses and eventual production of new evidence.
In all, 34 people were reported on suspicion of participating in the coup plan. The trials were sliced to facilitate the analysis on a case by case basis. The complaint analyzed on Tuesday involves the “nucleus 1” or “crucial core” of the coup contract – the leaders of the coup joints. In addition to former President Jair Bolsonaro, Walter Braga Netto (former Minister of Defense and Civil House), Augusto Heleno (former GSI), Alexandre Ramagem (Federal Deputy and former director of Abin), Anderson Torres (former Minister of Justice), Paulo Sérgio Nogueira (former Minister of Defense), Almir Garnier (former commander of Navy) and former Minister of Justice), and former director). (former Bolsonaro orders).
*With information from Estadão Content
Posted by Fernando Dias