The defense of the general and former minister Augusto Heleno asked on Tuesday (25) the rejection of “ineptitude and lack of just cause” of the complaint of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) about the coup attempt plan.
Lawyer Matheus Milanez spoke this morning at the trial of the First Class of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) about the complaint of the PGR against eight accused of attempted coup in 2022.
According to the lawyer, there is no evidence in the case -related case to Augusto Heleno. In the trial, the defense also requested access to the integral of the evidence based on the report and investigation of the Federal Police (PF).
General Augusto Heleno was Minister of the Institutional Security Office (GSI) during the Bolsonaro government. The military also acted as the advisor of the then president.
Heleno was nominated by PGR as one of the members of the “crucial core” that would have organized the coup content plan after the last presidential elections.