Do you plan American blueberry? Prepare such a substrate and sprinkled with fruit

by Andrea
Do you plan American blueberry? Prepare such a substrate and sprinkled with fruit

Blueberry needs sour soil (pH 4.5-5.0), permeable and rich in organic matter. Such conditions improve the health of the plant, increase yield and resistance to diseases. Naturally, blueberry grows on peat bogs and coniferous forests.

Before you start planting blueberries, check the pH of soil in the garden with a simple tester available in garden stores. Start by taking the sample -Using a spatula, collect the soil with a depth of 15-20 cm in 5-10 points in the crop area, mix in a bucket and put 200-300 g.. Use a chemical tester with indicator or electronic fluid that will show the result in a few seconds in moist soil. If the pH exceeds 5.5, the soil requires acidification.

To lower the pH is the most effective sulfur-pour 50 g on the sandy soil on m², and on a heavy 80-100 g. Mix it with the ground at a depth of 15-20 cm and wait 2-3 months until the bacteria transform sulfur into acid. Start the process in autumn so that the soil is ready in spring. After this time, repeat the test-if the pH is still too high, add 20-30 g of sulfur per m² and wait another 6-8 weeks. With very alkaline soil (pH above 7.0), preparations for planting blueberries can last up to a year.

Too alkaline soil blocks microelements and leads to yellowing leaves and weak crops. Test the soil slightly damp and avoid places close to the foundations. Alternatively, you can mix acid peat (pH 3.5-4.5) with the soil to speed up the effect.

Blueberry is planted in holes measuring 50 x 50 cm and a depth of 40 cm. This is a standard for most varieties. Dump on the bottom 10 cm of drainage layere.g. gravel or small stones, if the soil is compact and poorly transmits water. Then fill the hole with a mixture of substrate:

  • High peat: mix it with existing soil in a 1: 1 ratio (e.g. 20 liters of peat per 20 liters of soil from the garden). On heavy soils, increase peat share to 2: 1. Will help maintain acidity and improve the structure;
  • pine bark: Add 5-10 liters of the composed bark to the hole. Regulates pH and protects the roots. You can also leave a 5-centimeter layer as a mulch after planting;
  • conifers: pour 3-5 liters of fresh or slightly spread pine sawdust to relax the soil and improve permeability.

Mix the whole thoroughly in the hole, leaving 5 cm free space from above.

Before placing a blueberry bush in the soil Dip his roots in water for 15-20 minutes. In this way you will relax the root block and make it easier for the plant to adapt to a new ground. If the shrub is in a pot, gently stretch the roots, removing the compact fragments, but be careful not to damage the delicate pews. Place the plant in the hole yesfor the root collar to be 2-3 cm below the ground level. Planting too deep can slow down growth.

After planting, knead the soil around the bush and water abundantly (10 liters of water per bush). On top, a spill of 5 cm layer of mulch from the pine bark – it will limit evaporation and protect against weeds.

See also:

In the first weeks after planting, water the bush regularly, approx. 5-10 liters every 3-4 days if it is not raining. Make sure the soil is constantly moist, but not flooded – the standing water threatens to rot the roots. Planting is best carried out in spring (March-April), when frosts pass, although autumn (September-October) will also work in regions with a mild climate. Properly planted blueberry rooted quickly, and the fruit will appear in the second or third season.

In the growing season from May to August, water the blueberry bushes with 10-15 liters of water per plant once a week. On hot days it should be done every 3-4 days. Also remember to maintain the pH within 4.5-5.0. Do the soil test every spring. If the reaction increases, spread 20-30 g of elementary sulfur per m² or water with acidified water with vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter, 5 liters per bush). Pine bark litter should be renewed every 1-2 years. Add 2-3 cm of fresh layer to support acidity and protect the roots.

Fertilization is another pillar of blueberry care. In the first year, the ground is enough, but from the second season use acidic fertilizer, e.g. ammonium sulfate or a special blueberry preparation, dissolved in water according to the instructions. Repeat the dose in June, avoiding fertilizers with nitrates that increase the pH. It is also important to cut – in 2.-3. year, remove weak, crossing shoots and those growing close to the groundleaving 6-8 the strongest branches. Cutting perform in early spring, before breaking to stimulate fruiting and improve light access.


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