Forgotten rarity of Polish cuisine. Italians and the French are eating her

by Andrea
Forgotten rarity of Polish cuisine. Italians and the French are eating her

There is no shortage of offal in Polish cuisine. One of the delicacies from this group, which used to make a sensation among his countrymen, is grasic. This is a rarity that so far values ​​many offal connoisseurs. Unfortunately, in time it was forgotten and denied from our native diet, and wrongly.

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Grasica is from an anatomical point of view mammal mammary gland. It is located behind the bridge and trachea. Plays a key role for the body’s immunity. With the development of maturity, it begins to disappearwhich must be taken from young animals. The most valued thymus comes from calves and lambs.

Formerly there was a thymus a well -known Polish cuisine. Recipes for these offal can be found even in the first Polish cookbooks, such as “Compendium Ferculorum or collecting dishes”. Even in France in the 18th century, Polish thymus was served.

Currently, this delicacy has been forgotten. Grasica is given abroad, mainly in France or Italy. There it is prepared with the addition of butter and white wine. In this way it is served on crunchy croutons or as a component of risotto.

The thymus is not only delicious, but also healthy if it comes from a proven source. Eating these offal will provide a series to the body B vitamins, i.e. B12, B2, B5 and B6. It will complement the minerals iron, zinc, selenium and phosphorus. In addition, the thymus is rich in collagen and elastin.

Thanks to this maybe positively influence nervous system action. It will improve remembering and concentration. Will improve the body’s immunity, by reducing the amount occurring infections and inflammation. At the same time, it will provide valuable ingredients involved in the production of red blood cells.

In addition grasic will take care of The health of the joints. It will affect their durability and elasticity, which is why they will be able to work properly for many years. Collagen content also It will improve the appearance of the skinsmoothing it and filling it with wrinkles.

However, thymus will not be for everyone. This product is rich in cholesterol, which should be avoided by peopleyz with elevated cholesterol or with cardiovascular problems. For this reason, the delicacy should be consumed in limited amounts.

Preparation of thymus is not the simplest tasks. Initial treatment of the gland can really be time -consuming. Without it, the meat will not be as delicate as we expect. First, you should soak it for several hours in cold water. Then the thymus is burned with boiling water, peeled from the membrane and you can only move on to further action.

The thymus can be used, among others, for dinner dishes. You will prepare delicious with her Italian risotto. The meat will compose very well with the addition white, dry wine, thyme and parsley. In such a dish it will be very delicate and aromatic. With each bite, it will even melt in the mouth.

You can also make a delicious with thymus stew with the addition of mushrooms. The flavors of both ingredients will complement each other very well, and after cooking They will create a delicious sauce. Such a rarity is best served with buckwheat or pasta.



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