Criticized the supersalaries of the. He stated that the country is experiencing a framework of disorder, with the profusion of gratifications for judges, promoters and judges, as well as their hangers, as transfers are known to servers that go beyond the remuneration ceiling. According to Gilmar, it is necessary that the transfers occur within legal parameters.
“We must have a position on remuneration. We are experiencing a picture of true disorder. All the time the newspapers print what they call a new pendurical, the gratification of it, the gratification of it. It is necessary to establish rules and standards for it,” he said in an event in São Paulo, held by in partnership with administrative reform.
“We are in a worrying phase, because we do not know well the criterion that should prevail. It is essential that there is a discussion about this theme. No one denies the need to revise the remuneration, but to be done within legal parameters.”
In 2024, the Federal Government presented a proposal for Constitutional Amendment (PEC) to regulate the Supersalaries of Justice. The Federal Constitution already prevents the payment of salaries higher than the ceiling of the functionalism – R $ 46.3 thousand.
Penduricals are not accounted for for calculating the civil service salary ceiling. They include bonuses, indemnities and personal or eventual advantages, all allowed by the Supreme Court. Like the Sheet He showed, Gilmar and Alexandre de Moraes have already received retroactive organizations from organs where they worked before the judiciary.
Last year, the São Paulo Court of Justice (TJ-SP) increased by more than 50% the spending on the payment of penduricals, to its 380 active judges.
Over the past year, the average remuneration of these magistrates was $ 75,000 per month. This week, a Corregedor of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) limited, in a case related to the Sergipe Court, the payment of penduricals at R $ 46,300.
At the same event, Gilmar criticized the presence of active military in political positions. The Lula Government (PT) also presented a PEC on the subject, but has been stopped at the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ) since November 2023.
“It is no longer understandable that we have military acting in administrative functions without going to the reserve, or going to politics and returning to the corporation,” said Gilmar. For the minister, the military who wish to pursue a political career must first leave the corporation with transparency.