Have you ever used rice as fertilizer? Your flowers will love it

by Andrea

Rice as a natural fertilizer for flowers might seem like an unusual idea, but those who love gardening and nature know that often the most effective remedies hide in the simplest things.

Use the rice as fertilizer It is a little known but surprisingly effective practice, especially when it comes to delicate flowers or acidophilic plants. In a period in which we try to reduce the use of chemicals and to recover a more authentic relationship with nature, methods like this acquire their charm. It is no coincidence that more and more people rely on natural solutionseven just out of curiosity or to test if they really make the difference. And we often get surprised. Will it be the effect of seeing plants flourish with new vitality, without great effort? Or is it just the romantic idea of ​​returning to ancient and genuine practices? It doesn’t matter. What matters is the result: more beautiful, healthy and lasting flowers, with a small gesture.

There are no special equipmentnor complicated preparations. Very a few minutes is enough to prepare a DIY liquid fertilizer based on rice. And the beauty is that, in addition to being cheap, it is perfect for those with pets or children, because they are without toxic substances.

Fertilize flowers with rice: a natural remedy to rediscover

It is often believed that to grow lush flowers they need specific products, perhaps purchased at a high price in specialized stores. Yet, one of the most precious allies is already in the belief of the house: the rice. Speaking of things that never fail in the kitchen, the rice deserves a special mention. Not only knows, but also contains starch, phosphorus e potassium – All elements that are really good for plants, even if you often tend to ignore it.

Use rice as fertilizerUse rice as fertilizer

The method to exploit it does not require who knows what ability: two or three precautions are enough to do things well and Make sure it works Really. It starts by putting about four or five raw rice fists in a bowl or pot with water at room temperature. At this point, he mixes gently with his hands for a few seconds. After letting everything rest for at least three hours, you will notice that the water will have taken a whitish color: a sign that the rice has released its nutrients.

Rice to make the fertilizerRice to make the fertilizer

The water thus obtained, once filtered, becomes a real liquid fertilizer. It should not be used every day, but it is advisable to administer it to the plants about three times a monthpreferably early in the morning or evening. This prevents the strong sun from stressing or damaging the roots. And be careful: better to avoid wetting leaves and petals. Rice -based liquid fertilizer is designed to act directly on the ground.

Flowers and plants that benefit from rice as fertilizer

Not all plants react in the same way, you know. Some seem to completely ignore certain fertilizers, while others benefit visible in no time. The rice as fertilizerfor example, makes miracles with plants acidofilethose that prefer ground with a little lower pH.

Are part of this group I geraniumsthe hydrangeathe azalee and, last but not least, the orchidwhich always have that slightly exotic charm. Just the orchids, especially if with aerial roots, tend to respond very well to rice water. It will be for the lightness of the solution or for its ability to gently penetrate the substrate, the fact is that often they come back, with more turgid leaves and more generous blooms.

Flowers fertilized with riceFlowers fertilized with rice

But that’s not all. Also many balcony plantsmaybe those who seem a little turned off after winter can benefit from this little natural makeup. No magic formula, just a little observation: if after a few weeks the ground is more compact, the leaves seem more bright and flowers remain longer, perhaps it is worth continuing. Because rice, apparently, really works.

Alternatives and small tricks to know

Not just rice. Also the water of Cooking the pasta it can become an excellent natural fertilizer, as long as it is saltless and completely cooled. Like rice, the pasta also releases starch when cooking, offering a liquid solution rich in nutritional elements. This can be used alternating with rice, always in moderation.

Use rice as fertilizerUse rice as fertilizer

Some suggest not to use rice directly in the groundbecause it could ferment or attract insects. Better to limit yourself to the water obtained from the spoken. In any case, it is essential to maintain a certain constancy and not exceed in doses: even natural remedies, if used badly, can have counterproductive effects.

It is also worth remembering that the Treatment of plants It is not limited to the fertilizer. You need daily attention, good drainage, adequate light and clean air. But small tricks like this can make a big difference, especially in the periods when plants seem more weak or stressed.

Rice as fertilizer for flowersRice as fertilizer for flowers

Who would have thought that such a common ingredient could hide such a useful potential in the world of gardening? Rice, in its simplicity, becomes A precious allydiscreet, but effective. A perfect example of how nature knows how to surprise, even when you least expect it.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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