Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu. The sign for which the conjunction of the winnings, a meeting meeting between the North Node and Saturn comes.

by Andrea
Horoscope Camelia Pătrăşcanu. The sign for which the conjunction of the winnings, a meeting meeting between the North Node and Saturn comes.

Horoscope Camelia Pătrășcanu. Conjunction of the North-Saturn node, which takes place between March 26 and April 1, 2025, will put its mark on each sign, writes fanatik.ro.

With destiny in fish, this conjunction is important because it helps us to evaluate from the perspective of the consciousness we go and the things we have assumed.

Somehow we would like life to respond to deeper needs than usual. Of course we need money, but it’s not just the important money. We must also have the feeling of fulfillment, that we have not done something serious. It is about maintaining a personal interior system in balance than achieving an objective.

Camelia Pătrășcanu Horoscope: North – Saturn conjunction targets all signs

Aries They have the conjunction bringing understanding that what they have to do has effects on others. They want to give the right to others to be satisfied, to understand them or not. They are not allowed to forbid others to feel.

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bulls They have the conjunction regarding the plans and projects, the aspirations they have, but not at the ideal level, but as a vision project. It has to give more free rein to creativity and ingenuity. It should not deny its ingenious and creative spirit.

Twins I receive a life lesson, which if understood can bring material benefits. Their need for status, freedom, do not match certain issues.

Crayfish They have the Saturn-Destin conjunction that brings a crown of a road, life route. Make some road options, may not change the trajectory. I now understand long -term consequences.

lions achieve their limits in relation to someone else. There are things over which they cannot pass or accept them. Then they must be responsible for the feelings they have aroused for certain people.

Horoscope Camelia Pătrășcanu. virgins have this conjunction in the area of ​​relations with others and popularity. It must show its power by engaging in a collaboration or accepting a proposal. A proposal comes and, if they get on this road, their whole life is upward. It can go out very well even if in the next months there are small syncope or even in the fall.

balances They have the conjunction that is about organizing life with everything that means relationships, especially with children. They are helped to organize and coordinate otherwise. Saturn is restrictive, on the other hand, so I can no longer carry out certain actions.

Scorpions have conjunction with emphasis on their heart and affective relationships. I realize that for the future they must be 100% in a job, not to leave after the others.

Read and is the Aries Season 2025 the reset button I have all waited for? Find out what astrologers say at every sign

The Sagittarius They have a saturn-deestin looking for the house and the fireplace. For many, there are bodily decisions to make, for health, good care, lifestyle. They can improve their health and reinvigorate the body. I make decisions about the house and family, on the other hand.

Capricorn They have a conjunction that brings clarifying ideas that belong more to the soul and consciousness than to other things. The fact that they are so profound in the sorting of good thoughts gives them patience in relation to others.

Horoscope Camelia Pătrășcanu. Aquarians have the conjunction in the area of ​​efficiency and winnings. They are more concerned to end what they intend. It is possible that they no longer propose things they cannot complete.

fish have an aspect that brings maturity. I can choose a passion that I do not so much for winning, but because it fulfills their heart. They have the clarity of traveling their destiny at this time and the power to do extraordinary, amazing things to change their destiny trajectory in a spectacular way.

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