Japanese radish is often confused with white radish. However, these are two different vegetables. Asian variety, i.e. daikonit is milder in taste and contains enzymes supporting digestion. This is a popular sushi ingredient.
The Japanese radish, contrary to appearances, does not come from Japan at all. She came to China from the Mediterranean area. It was only from there that she emigrated to Japanese and Korean cuisine. So where does its name come from? Currently, Japan is the largest producer of this vegetable.
Japanese radish looks a bit like white radish, but it is greater than it. Its root can reach 40 cm long and weigh about a kilo. It tastes a bit milder than its white cousin. The older the deacon, the more spiciness it has. In the case of Japanese radish Both on the food and the root are suitable for food. However, it is worth separating these parts after purchase, so that the vegetable stays fresh for longer.
Japanese radish in raw or marinated form is available in stores. We will pay a few zlotys per piece for a fresh vegetable. Daikon marinated usually has the form of stripes, the cost of 300 grams is a few zlotys. Japanese radish can also be successfully grown in the garden. Vegetable seeds also cost only a few zlotys.
Daikon is a vegetable full of health properties. Above all Japanese radish contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens immunity And helps fight free radicals. We will also find it in it B group vitamins, including folic acid. This supports our nervous system. Besides, Daikon is a mine of potassium, magnesium and calcium, what supports the work of the heart and strengthens the blood vessels.
In addition to all health properties, Japanese radish is low in calories. In 100 g of vegetables we will find only 20 kcal. If we add a large amount of fiber to this, Daikon appears as an ideal vegetable for people on a diet. It has a low glycemic index, hence diabetics can turn on this radish without fear of their menu. The only contraindication is the diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, the vegetable is diuretic.
Japanese radish can be eaten in many ways, also raw. It is an excellent and low -calorie bite and a salad additive. It is also in this form A popular sushi contribution. After cooking, Daikon takes on a velvet consistency, so it is frequent A component of soups and saucesin which he will find himself as a close substitute for potatoes. By the way, it will give these dishes a distinct taste.
Japanese radish is also suitable for frying and stewing. It is very popular in marinated form, called Takuwan in Japan. Most often it has the form of yellow stripes and a very intense taste. They can be put on sandwiches or treated as an addition to dinner, like our pickled cucumbers. In Japan, marinated radish is added to fatty dishes, Curry or ramen to relieve their taste slightly.
Source: Naz NowoKuje.pl, Sazemer.pl
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