Military Service: Thousands of Portuguese do not even go to the day of national defense for “religious and moral” reasons

by Andrea
Military Service: Thousands of Portuguese do not even go to the day of national defense for “religious and moral” reasons

(DR) National Defense

Military Service: Thousands of Portuguese do not even go to the day of national defense for “religious and moral” reasons

More women than men evoked the status of an objector of consciousness. There are almost 7,000 for this reason.

Military service is no longer mandatory in Portugal in 2005. Since then young people are limited to National Defense Day.

National Defense Day is a time to sensitize young citizens to the importance of defense and to show the role of the Armed Forces. On this day, small formations, demonstrations are given, are known facilities of the military unit, young people can ask questions, move weapons…

Participation is mandatory for all Portuguese citizens of both sexes in the year in which they turn 18. But even so, many have “Escaped.”

Data from the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth show that, over 20 years, almost 7,000 young people, more specifically 6695 young people were not to the day of national defense due to Statute of consciousness objector of military service.

This statute can be presented by young people “who, being subject to military obligations, does not intend to comply with them for conviction that, for religious, moral, humanistic or philosophical reasons, it is not legitimate to use violent means of any kind against their fellow man, whether it is national, collective or personal defense.” Have to have three statements allowances.

The newspaper adds that most of these young people invoked “religious and moral” motives.

Of the total requests for consciousness, only 1,6% they were rejected; and, in general, for “overcoming military age limit”.

The difference is short, but there is more women (2991) than men (2880) to evoke this statute – this since 2010, when the initiative has also received women.

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