Mix these 2 cheap ingredients and water the petunia. They will thank you with a sea of ​​flowers

by Andrea
Mix these 2 cheap ingredients and water the petunia. They will thank you with a sea of ​​flowers

Petunia are beautiful plants with American origin, which also find themselves well in the Polish moderate climate. Depending on your preferences, you can plant them in a pot, put them on a balcony or terrace or place directly in the ground.

They bloom at the turn of May and June. However, that until the first frosts they delight with the beauty of colorful flowers, you need to provide them with adequate support. Start watering with a homemade nutrient with two ingredients, and these will definitely repay you with more thanshowing the fullness of your beauty.

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Get to know the recipe for home fertilizer to Petunia, which works like turbocharging. He acidifies the ground not worse than expensive preparations from garden stores, creating ideal conditions for development for these flowers, but few people know that they exist.

To prepare this conditioner, you only need two cheap ingredients. You need: citric acid (10-15 grams) and water (10 liters). Mix the whole thoroughly and water your plants with such liquid. Certainly they will not turn yellow and quickly sprinkle with the sea of ​​flowers.

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The conditioner itself will not help if you do not provide petunia optimal conditions for development. So remember that For petunia to bloom, they must grow in a sunny position (possibly in a semi -shaded place, but they will have fewer flowers).

However, they must be protected against rain and strong gusts of wind. Additionally PThe case feel best in a fertile, permeable surface with a pH oscillating within 5.5-6.5 with a light drainage layerwhich makes it easier to drain water.

On hot days, Petunia is worth watering up to twice a day. In the remaining once every 2-3 days it should be enough. Try not to flood the flowers and do not overdo it with the amount of water.


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