The Novo Party bench sent on Monday (24) a representation with the TCU (Court of Auditors of the Union) against the chief minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations, Gleisi Hoffmann, for “alleged personal promotion of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) in an institutional video of the federal government.”
According to the government opposition party, Gleisi violated the principle of impersonality in public administration by publicizing government program that directly praises President Lula.
Gleisi calls, in the video, the new payable credit program of
In the publication made last Sunday on Instagram, Gleisi uses the expression: “squeezed the budget? Is the interest rate high? Take Lula’s loan”, associating the program directly with the president.
“The Constitution is clear, institutional publicity should serve the public interest, not the personal promotion of authorities. What we have seen in the video of Minister Gleisi Hoffmann is the misuse of the public machine in a blatant attempt to anticipate electoral propaganda to 2026. This directly hurts the principle of impersonality and cannot be normalized,” said Adriana Ventura (SP), the new leader of the Chamber of Deputies.
The party’s bench requested in the representation that Vital do Rêgo, president of TCU, grants precautionary measure against the broadcast of new pieces that use the expression “Lula loan”.
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After criticism and representation of the new, Gleisi deleted the post.
The program
The “Worker Credit” program came into force last Friday (21) and is directed to professionals who have a formal contract. Payment installments are discounted from the payroll and may not exceed 35% of gross salary.
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According to the Federal Government, the offer aims to reduce over -indebtedness by offering a more attractive credit line. From April 25, it will also be possible to migrate to the modality a loan with higher interest rates.
At the launch of the program, at the beginning of the month, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva stated that the initiative would allow Brazilians “cheap credit to get out of the loan”. “It will be a revolution in this country,” he said.
In the comments of the publication, Gleisi was criticized for calling the “Lula loan” measure. “Principle of impersonality sent a hug,” wrote an Instagram user.
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Another Internet user cited Article 37 of the Federal Constitution, which deals with this principle of public administration: “The publicity of acts, programs, works, services and campaigns of public agencies should have an educational, informative or social guidance character, and may not include names, symbols or images that characterize personal promotion of authorities or public servants”.
In the first weekend of operation, the new form of payroll loan for CLT workers registered 40.1 million loan simulations and about 4.5 million proposal requests made to the institutions by 6 pm on Sunday, 23. Dataprev, a social security information technology company, and were released by the Ministry of Labor.
11,032 contracts have already been signed through the Digital Digital Work Card app (CTPS Digital).
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(With Estadão Content)