The Attorney General of the Republic, said on Tuesday (25) that the former president () intensified speeches about democratic rupture and put into practice plans to remain in the presidency of the Republic in the context of the 2022 coup plot.
“The complaint recalls that from 2021 the President of the Republic gave speeches in which he adopted a growing tone of rupture with institutional normality. He was unhappy with decisions of higher courts and the electronic electoral system in force,” said Gonet.
According to, the climb gained “most notable impulse” after Lula (PT) became eligible and the poll scenarios show the advantage of the petista before Bolsonaro.
“Then they were put into practice articulated plans for the maintenance, at all costs, of the then President of the Republic,” he says.
The statements were made by Gonet at the beginning of his oral support in the judgment of the complaint against Jair Bolsonaro – that he decided to go to the Supreme Court to follow the session – and seven other accused of integrating the central core of the coup plot.
Gonet’s presence in judgments of the Supreme Classes is uncommon. He decided, however, to participate in the entire process related to the coup plot in the face of the relevance of the case.
The Attorney General has 30 minutes to defend the receipt of the complaint against Bolsonaro and seven other members of the central conspiracies core by a 2022 coup.
Following, the lawyers of the eight accused will have 15 minutes each to defend the rejection of the complaint – whether for procedural reasons, either for merit reasons. The arguments of the defenses should advance until the early afternoon of Tuesday.
The trial is expected to be closed until the morning of Wednesday (26). Ministers should discuss preliminary issues, such as the nullity requests for Mauro Cid’s denunciation, before moving on the merits of the accusations.
The first class of is composed by ministers Alexandre de Moraes, Cármen Lúcia, Cristiano Zanin, Flávio Dino and Luiz Fux.
The PGR denounced Bolsonaro and 33 others for participation in the coup plot on February 18. If they become defendants, all accused must be responsible for the crimes of armed criminal organization, attempted violent abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law, coup d’état, damage qualified by violence and serious threat against public assets and deterioration of overturned assets.
Added, the penalties reach 43 years in prison.
At this stage, the ministers analyze only whether the complaint has evidence of authorship and materiality – or that is, if there is a minimum indicative for the accused to respond to a process.
The tendency is for the first class of the Supreme to receive the complaint unanimously. If the scenario is confirmed, the accused are responding to a criminal action, and the process will begin to be instructed by Minister Alexandre de Moraes.
In the next phase, defendants will be able to collect evidence and relate witnesses to be heard in the STF. It is at this moment that the suspects must question the merit of the accusations made by the PGR – and it is also during this period that defenses put their strategies into practice to postpone the judgment of the case.