The plane had been on the air for almost two hours when he had to return and land in San Francisco. On social networks, many passengers have expressed their indignation and will now be offset
A plane that took off from Los Angeles in the United States to Shanghai, China, was forced to dodge his route after the pilot realized that he had forgotten his passport.
“No Saturday, or Voo 198 gives United Angeles de los Angeles [Califórnia] For Shanghai he landed at San Francisco International Airport because the pilot did not have his passport on board, “the airline told AFP news agency.
The plane had been on the air for almost two hours when he had to return and land in San Francisco, California. On social networks, many of the passengers expressed their indignation.
“Flight UA198 diverted to SFO [aeroporto internacional de São Francisco] Why did the pilot forgot the passport? Now we have been blocked for over six hours. Completely unacceptable. United, what compensation do you think to offer for this catastrophic management? “
In response, a who had “arranged a new crew” to bring passengers to their destination, stressing that they had offered them compensation.
This is not the first time a flight has been interrupted after the pilot has forgotten the passport.
In 2019, a Vietname flight suffered a 11 -hour delay because the pilot lost his ID And so, could not pass the authorities at the destination airport.