Monday night at Big Brother Brazil was marked by strong emotions in sincere, which this time brought an even more impactful dynamic. In the game remains 1, each participant started with three lives represented by gifts sent by their families: a photo of dear people, a sentimental value and a cell phone with a special audio. However, throughout the activity, the brothers had to choose a colleague to eliminate, removing one of these precious items.
Presenter Tadeu Schmidt explained the rules, making it clear that only those confined in the reunion house would not actively participate, but were still included in the game. “Each life represents something very valuable to you,” he emphasized before starting the dynamics.
Exchange of direct accusations and clashes
The first to position itself was Aline, who removed Renata’s audio, justifying that the sister “is a waterfall of inconsistencies” and bringing up a previous disagreement about the use of the expression “dirty dove”. Renata countered: “No one is calling the others dirty dove finding it beautiful.” The conflict between the two climbed during the game, resulting in new exchanges of barbs.
Diego has eliminated Maike’s object, remembering the moments when the brother called him a false and liar. Maike, in turn, eliminated Vinicius’s object, criticizing the opponent’s posture in the game. “You are hypocritical and commit the same attitudes you condemn,” he said.
Another intense clash occurred between João Gabriel and Diego. The first claimed that the brother does not position himself and “ugly” in the game, while Diego replied that he has a different style of playing. “Brazil sees how I position myself,” he said.
Moments of emotion and tears in the house
Among the most striking moments of the night, Delma eliminated the photo of Renata’s family, leading the sister to tears. “I never asked you to be my friend,” replied Renata, regretting the situation. Aline, when attacked by João Gabriel, had the picture of the crushed family and countered: “It’s clear that you have no argument to talk about me.”
Another remarkable moment was when Victoria saw her stuffed pet being eliminated and fell in crying. Similarly, Daniele was visibly shaken by losing her familiar photo.
Guilherme is the last rest and receives his wife’s audio
At the end of the dynamics, Guilherme was the only one to preserve a gift and received the audio from his wife, Leticia. “Hi, love of my life. I miss you,” the message said, bringing a little comfort after a night full of confrontation and eliminations of emotional items.
The activity has exposed even deeper covenants, weaknesses and conflicts among participants, making it clear that relationships within the house are increasingly shudder. Now, it remains to be seen how brothers will deal with the consequences of this intense night of sincer.