Spring cleaning: here is the list that simplifies your life

by Andrea

Spring cleaning are the perfect opportunity to put the house and mind back in order. But without a good organization, there is a risk of transforming a regenerating moment into an exhausting marathon. Here is the definitive guide to face them lightly.

The spring cleaning They return punctual every year, as an appointment with the good humor and the scent of fresh. We often think of this phase as a tiring duty, but in reality it can become a gesture of well -being, almost therapeutic. The seasons change, the energy changes: away the superfluous, space for the new.

The air becomes more warm, the light enters the rooms, and with it the desire to give one refreshed to the environments. There are those who arise from dry and vacuum cleaner with enthusiasm and who, instead, look at the house as if it were a battlefield. Here, the trick is all in planning. A good list can make the difference between starting and really completing everything.

After all, those who never started a Clean a wardrobe And did he find himself two hours later to browse old magazines? It serves method, but also a pinch of indulgence. Because spring cleaning must not necessarily be perfect, they only have to return a feeling of freshness and lightness. And with some practical advice, everything can become simpler.

How to organize spring -free spring cleaning

Non serve revolutionize the house In one day. Indeed, it would be said that it is the best way to get tired before you even start. Better to think about this moment as a series of small missions to be completed calmly.

It always starts from a good list. A real Spring cleaning checklistto be divided by room by room, perhaps scoring the estimated time for each task next to it. This helps not to be overwhelmed by the amount of things to do and better manage energy.

Il decluttering It comes first of all. It does not make much sense to thoroughly clean if there are still drawers full of forgotten objects. The rule of the four boxes is always useful: one for what is held, one for what is given, one for what you sell and the last for what should be thrown away.

Once the superfluous is eliminated, you can start cleaning really. And here another trick comes into play: proceed from top to bottom. Sprinkle the highest surfaces first, such as shelves and wardrobes, and then devoted themselves to furniture, glass and finally to the floors. In this way, the dust does not ruin what has already been arranged.

Per save time (and nerves), it is also better to have everything you need in advance: microfiber clothes, vinegar, baking soda, Marseille soap and some empty container. Better still if you avoid too aggressive chemicals: in addition to being polluting, they often irritate skin and respiratory tract.

Another little advice? Don’t skip music. A cheerful playlist can also transform the cleaning of the bathroom escapes into something bearable. Perhaps.

The areas of the house not to be forgotten during spring cleaning

We tend to concentrate on the usual areas: the living room, the kitchen, the rooms. But the spring cleaning They are an opportunity to also deal with those corners that are ignored for months. Which, for example?

  • Above the wardrobes and wall unitswhere invisible but annoying dust accumulates.
  • Behind the furniture heavier, which rarely move.
  • Under the bedsunchallenged kingdom of passed off socks and languages.
  • Curtains and rugswhich are often neglected but retain dust and smells.
  • Fixtures and windowswhich deserve more than a quick pass with the rag.
  • Chandeliers and ceiling lightswhich spread slim light precisely because of the dirt.
  • Hood filters, vacuum cleaner and air conditionerswho need a nice refresh before the summer.

Many also forget objects to disinfect, such as remote controls, switches and handles. Yet they are the ones who touch themselves most often.

Finally, it would not be bad to dedicate a half day to the maintenance: replace burned bulbs, tighten loose screws, check that appliances are fit. These details also make the difference.

A new energy thanks to the clean house

There is something almost symbolic in spring cleaning. He leaves the winter back, with his dust and torpor, and welcomes the summer with more airy and clean spaces. But it is not just aesthetic: living in an orderly environment really improves mood.

It is often said that the external order helps to create order even within itself. AND It is not necessary to reach perfection: the gesture, the intention, the desire to make space is enough. Even just moving some furniture, opening the windows and breathing new air can give a feeling of immediate lightness.

Spring cleaningSpring cleaning

That’s why it is worth taking the tempoeven little by little, to face these cleaning consciously. A cleaner and well -kept house can really change the way you live every day.

After all, isn’t this the beauty of spring? Feeling a little more free, inside and outside.

Photo © Stock.adobe


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