Members of the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic (NR) of the Slovak Republic for Smer-SD will propose a dismissal of Veronika Remišová (Slovakia, for people, CH) as Chairwoman of the Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic for incompatibility of functions. Ján Richter, head of the Direction parliamentary club, said this at Tuesday’s press conference. He claims that Remišová violated the Constitution of the Slovak Republic and the law. Direction declares that the function of the head of this committee is to belong to the opposition, but it cannot remain Remišová.
“We do not take the right and the agreement we respect that The Committee belongs to the opposition and that the opposition agreed to belong to the movement of Slovakia. Only in this case we cannot agree to stay there Remišová because she broke the law, ” Richter stated. He did not specify what the Member was supposed to break in the law.
Remišová faced criticism by Defense Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD). He claimed that She misused her function because she revealed information from the secret part of his property declaration. Remišová responded that she never informed about family members of opposition or coalition deputies. The dispute concerned the ownership of the house in Croatia. Kalinak himself admitted the property of the property.
The Minister explained that he did not mention the property he bought in Croatia in the property declaration of his wife because He wanted to protect the privacy of the family. He claims that his income fully covers the value of this property. According to Remišová, Kaliňák has been keeping this villa for more than six years, even at a time when she was not chairman of the committee. At the same time, it is evident that the constitutional law imposing an obligation to state assets in the property declaration was intentionally violated.