Example of submarine used in cocaine trafficking.
This will be the first time authorities have seized a gender device in the Atlantic Ocean. The operation is also one of the biggest seizures ever of cocaine from South America to Portugal.
The Judicial Police (PJ), together with other Portuguese and Spanish authorities, seized a submarine between 6.5 and 7 tons of drugs, about 500 miles from Azoreswith five people on board – three Brazilians, one Spaniard and one Colombian.
The information was advanced on Tuesday by, and confirmed in PJ, and the latter referred to in a statement that the submarine was “used by a transnational criminal organization”, which was destined for the Iberian Peninsula. Already in European territory, the drug would be distributed to several countries.
This will be the first time authorities have seized a gender device in the Atlantic Ocean. The operation is also one of the biggest seizures ever Cocaine from South America to Portugal.
The operation, which is named “Nautilus”, took place during the last days and had the collaboration of the Portuguese and Spanish police. In addition to the PJ, the Portuguese Navy and the Portuguese Air Force, the Civil Guardian of Spain, the Drug Encarcement Administration of the United States and the National Crime Agency of the United Kingdom participated in this investigation.
The inquiry is being directed by the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DCIAP) and the investigation is in charge of the National PJ’s National Drunkenness Trafficking Unit.
The investigation originated in information shared by the Civil Guardia at Maritime Analysis and Operations Center-Narcotics (MAC-N), which is headquartered in Lisbon.