Those of the government have reached Barcelona. Specifically, they have hit a municipal library that since 2016 develops a project called American Space Barcelona, which promotes cultural exchange between the city and the United States and has hosted about 2,000 activities with more than 77,000 attendees. This is the Ignasi Iglésias Library-, in the district of Sant Martí, and which finances the program partly with funds from the US government. The Consistory received a requirement from the United States Embassy in Madrid a few weeks ago claiming the application of Order 14173, called Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity that, as its translated name indicates, seeks to “end” “illegal discrimination and restore opportunities based on merit.” Federal law requires that funds are used for initiatives or programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion. The letter specifically pointed to the fulfillment of the order in the program of which language courses of different levels and linguistic couples are part to practice the language throughout the school year.
Sources of the Consistory assure that they will not comply with these restrictions, because they contravene the values and principles of inclusion, promotion of gender equality and plurality, which they understand that they are typical of the government of the city and the City Council. Policies, in addition, that the same sources remember that they apply to the design of all public actions and municipal programs. The City Council also ensures that the order is not valid outside the United States, and indicates that the policies of the city, autonomies and the Spanish State, as well as the European legal framework, contemplate respect for human rights and measures of gender equity, diversity and inclusion. However, just a few days ago it was known that and none of these programs apply.
The Barcelona City Council maintains that it will continue to seek collaboration agreements and explore relationships of relationship with cities, institutions and public entities of the United States, respecting and actively promoting the inclusion, diversity and equity, fundamental values of a fair, plural, democratic and fully defender of civil rights. Some principles, he adds, that respect municipal libraries, considered safe community spaces and that year after year obtain a very high note by citizens in municipal surveys. For many years, the network of more than 40 public libraries in Barcelona are the second municipal service rather valued by citizens, after firefighters. In the latest Municipal Services survey, of 2024, they even raised the qualification, with an 8 and the official data indicated that, together, they touch the 30,000 daily users and the three million loans a year.
The Consistory insists on his will that the project has continuity and refers to its success of participation. Hence, he will ensure that he will continue to seek collaboration agreements and explore relationships of relationship with cities, institutions and public entities of the United States, respecting the values of what he considers a fair, plural, democratic society and fully defender of civil rights.
On the 20th, the United States Embassy in Spain confirmed the order: “The US Embassy in Spain, like all our embassies in the world, is communicating to our local suppliers of products and services the new framework based on the recent executive orders signed by President Trump,” said a spokesman for the US diplomatic office in Spain. “We want to ensure that our contracts comply with all federal anti -discrimination laws and that suppliers do not operate programs that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, that violate existing federal laws,” he added.