AAAAAUTCHIM. How to silence a sneeze (and stop scaring everyone)

by Andrea
AAAAAUTCHIM. How to silence a sneeze (and stop scaring everyone)

AAAAAUTCHIM. How to silence a sneeze (and stop scaring everyone)

Why are there such noisy people to sneeze? Preventing sneezing is not a good idea, but there are tips to make you quieter.

There is no way to stop a sneeze. This can be caused by particles and fumes, such as pollen or smoke, which irritate the inside of the nose, or even a very bright light – the so -called “phytic sneeze.”

The brain trunk then sends a signal to the nervous system, the diaphragm and the muscles push the air out, the vocal cords open and… Atchim!

But there are people – even very – noisy in this involuntary action, which scare those around them with an intense “aaaa” and another intense “tchiiim”.

“People with smaller or smaller nasal and oral passages usually produce a more acute sneeze,” he explains to Mas Takashima, president of the Houston Methodist Otorhinolaryngology Department. “Unlike those with larger passages, which tend to resonate more.”

“A person can activate the throat muscles during the expulsion part of the sneeze,” says expert Erich Voigt. “And it can change and modify the sound,” he comments.

“It is badly seen to make such a loud noisedisturb people, ”he comments.
Still, part of the sound of a sneeze is inevitable, as the reflex sends gusts of air through a narrow pass, the experts explain.

Know-be that prevent a sneezecovering the mouth or containing the impulse, but there are tips to free this air that needs to be expelled without terrorizing half a world, especially if it is in an environment where you want to be discreet. Here’s the specialists’s tips:

  1. Expire. The more air we have in the lungs, the higher the sneeze, so if you have time, it helps to expel the air in the lungs before the sneeze “bursts”.
  2. Relax the vocal cords. The noisy “Atchiiiim” or “atchoooo” comes from the vibration of vocal cords and the mouth open, so more relaxed vocal cords produce less noise.
  3. Keep your mouth closed. As a result, it will be helpful to try to close your mouth to direct the air pressure to the nose, you can try to hold your tongue in the sky of your mouth – the sneeze should be less noisy.
  4. Stuffy. Last resource, sneezing to a handkerchief or elbow helps drown out explosion and noise.

Sneeking you can know well, like scratching a itch, but it can be very unpleasant if you want to go unnoticed (and for those who hear your screams). Sneeking is cathartic, but it is also a big bump if it is the target of a chacota. To avoid it, it’s not that difficult – just keep your mouth closed and make use of the scarves.

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