ABIN servers manifest themselves after speaking of Cármen Lúcia – 25/03/2025 – Brasilia Today

by Andrea

The association that represents the servers of (Brazilian Intelligence Agency), Intelis, said on Tuesday (25) that the agency provides technical support to strengthen the cyber security of the electronic ballot boxes, but has no competence on the supervision of the electoral process.

The note was released by the association against the clash waged by the minister of (Supreme Federal Court) with the lawyer of the federal deputy and former director of ABIN during the, on Tuesday.

In his oral argument, Ramage’s lawyer, Paulo Renato Garcia Cintra Pinto, said that “the reliability and safety of the ballot box is within the institutional role of ABIN, no doubt.”

After the statement, Cármen Lúcia questioned the lawyer if he had said to be “ABIN duty to investigate the safety and supervision of the ballot boxes in the electoral process” and added that “ballot boxes are of another power.”

In a statement, Intelis denied any inspection activity, but said it operates within the electoral process in partnership with the (Superior Electoral Court) since 1996, when the electronic voting system was implemented.

“This performance occurs through its Center for Research and Development for the Safety of Communications (CEPESC), focusing on the provision of cryptographic solutions and the technical support for strengthening the cyber security of electronic ballot boxes, and no competence is any activity of supervision of the electoral process, attribution of the Electoral Justice,” says the note.

Ramagem was denounced by the PGR (Attorney General of the Republic) for joining an alleged “crucial nucleus” that planned a coup after Lula’s (PT) victory in 2022.

According to PGR, Ramagem would have used the position of Director General of Abin “to determine the production of illicit reports that could gather data of interest to the criminal organization in order to attack the Brazilian electoral system.”

A document located by the Federal Police attributed to him said: “I gathered trusted technical group for deepening the electronic ballot box. There is already a way of concluding that the vulnerability in technical transparency and exclusive governance of the Court will be pointed out.”

The defense of the federal deputy argued to the Supreme Court that the material collected by the PF brings only “extremely shy, simple evidence of the practice of a very serious crime.”

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