Bolsonaro says STF changes understanding with “political objective”

by Andrea

Former President states that he should be tried by the Plenary, where the 11 ministers, not by the 1st class, vote; Cut will not comment

The former president (PL) said this 3rd (25.mar.2025) that the Supreme Court (STF) changes understandings with “Political objective” against him. He declared which should not be tried by the 1st Panel of the Court for the accusation of attempted coup d’état in 2022, after the defeat to the president (PT) in the elections.

The 1st class is composed by the ministers Cristiano Zanin, Cármen Lúcia, Luiz Fux, Alexandre de Moraes and Flávio Dino. This 3rd, the group started the trial to decide whether Bolsonaro will become a defendant. For the former president, the case should be tried by the Supreme Plenary. In this case, the 11 ministers of the Supreme would vote, and not only the 5.

In a post at X (former Twitter), Bolsonaro claimed that the STF was doing maneuvers to chase it and said the Supreme Court acts with “Casuism”.

The former president stated that, in a complaint against him on February 18, the PGR (Attorney General’s Office) “Recognized” that the acts they are accused were given while he was president. According to Bolsonaro, this should lead to trial for the plenary, not by one of the classes.

“To preserve the forum for a stamped reason, but to deny the judgment by the competent body, is to transform the constitution and the regiment into an institutional self-service: one chooses what serves the political objective of the moment and discards what could guarantee a minimally fair judgment.”said the former president.

Bolsonaro classified as persecution a of the Court of 11 March, which expanded the forum by prerogative of function (the so -called privileged forum) to authorities. With this measure, investigations initiated in the Supreme Court and related to the mandate or function of the politician will continue under the analysis of the court, even after the end of management.

Without citing names, the former president quoted Lula and the court decision in 2021, who annulled the convictions of the Federal Court of Curitiba against the petista in four Lava Jato cases.

“The Supreme would do this if the defendant was another former president? The convenient moment of these changes shows that the rule was created for me and, after me, they can change again. Worse: when it was my opponent, the Supreme annulled it all rightly saying that the competent forum was not obeyed.”said Bolsonaro.

To the Poder360the Supreme Court has stated that it will not comment on the former president’s lines.

On Wednesday (26.mar), at 9:30 am, the merits of the complaint will be analyzed. That is, the court will evaluate the crucial core members to the coup plan becomes defendants. Among them is the former president and your deputy in 2022, (PL), plus 3 former ministers.

How was the first day

In this 3rd (25.mar), two sessions were reserved for the analysis of the case.

In the morning, the board of 5 ministers (Cristiano Zanin, Alexandre de Moraes, Carmen Lúcia, Flávio Dino and Luiz Fux) heard the arguments of the defenses against the allegations of the Attorney General, Paulo Gonet.

In the afternoon, the ministers rejected all preliminary requests from the defenses. They were:

  1. the removal of the ministers Moraes, Dino and Zanin to judge the case;
  2. May the action go to the 1st instance and that the plenary analyze the receipt of the complaint;
  3. the annulment of the complaint for curtailment of defense and excess of documents;
  4. that the judge of guarantees in the case be applied, submitting the action to another rapporteur; and
  5. Let the allegation of the former assistant of Bolsonaro, Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid be annulled.

All preliminaries rejected by the 1st class obtained unanimity of votes, the minus the request for the analysis of the STF plenary (11 ministers), not the class (5 ministers). Fux was the to accept the request.

Read the decisions of the ministers about the requests:

Read the allegations of the defendants’ defenses:

Understand what happens now:

Understand the case

According to PGR, this is the core responsible for the main decisions and social impact actions of the alleged criminal organization that planned the coup. The members were from the top of the Federal Government and the Armed Forces.

The accusations of the PGR (the feathers add up to 43 years in prison):

  • violent abolition of the democratic rule of law4 to 8 years in prison;
  • coup d’etat4 to 12 years in prison;
  • Integrate armed criminal organization – 3 to 17 years;
  • Qualified damage against Union’s heritage – 6 months to 3 years; and
  • DECLARED OF HERITAGE – 1 to 3 years.

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