Cartola FC: Values ​​and Score, Changes for 2025 and Prices – Full Guide

by Andrea
Cartola FC: valores e pontuação, mudanças para 2025 e preços - Guia completo image

With the beginning of Brazilian Championship 2025 Next weekend, another season of Cartola fc. This year, Fantasy Game brings changes in scores that value defense players and introduces the Luxury reserve.

For the cards and cards, it follows a guide explaining each of the news of Cartola FC to 2025. The market is already open to the first round of Brasileirão!

How does the scoring system work? Reminiscent

After creating your team, the user chooses the 11 players of the starting lineup, a coach and more Five reservations: A goalkeeper, a side, a defender, a midfielder and a striker. To climb the team, the user now starts with a total of 110 cartoletesthe currency of the game, To assemble the entire cast.

Each athlete receives a score according to the actions they play during the match. For example, an athlete who scores a goal, suffers three fouls, gets a disarm and a yellow card, would make 9.7 points according to statistics values.

Changes in Scout scores

Among the main changes in Cartola FC to 2025 are the increase of two scores:

  • Defense: from 1.00 to 1.30 point
  • Disarm: From 1.20 to 1.50 point

It is important to remember that Defense is an exclusive statistic for goalkeepers in the top hat. If a line player takes over the goalkeeper during a game, he does not invoice points of defenses performed (The exception is the penalty defensei). The “normal” defense will only be computed for athletes registered as goalkeepers in the D Game System.

In general, for 2025, Cartola FC enhances defense players. In addition to defenders and goalkeepers, the sides also become strategic for the assembly of the team. Check out the full table of scores:

Cartola FC 2025 scores

The statistics were divided between defensive actions and offensive actions. Among the defensive actions, the highest scores are for a penalty defense, which yields 7 points for goalkeepers, and for a game without a goal, involving the entire defense line, yielding 5 points for all athletes.

In offensive actions, what gives the highest score is the scoring of a goal, which yields 8 points for the athlete. Assistance is the second most profitable action with 4 points.

Defensive actions Points
Missing committed (FC) -0,3
Gol against (GC) -3
Yellow Card (CA) -1
Red Card (CV) -3
GAME WITHOUT SUFFERING GOL (SG) – Exclusive for the positions of goalkeeper, defender and side 5
Difficult defense (de) – exclusive to the position of goalkeeper 1,3
Penalty Defense (DP) – Exclusive to the goalkeeper position 7
GOL SUFERED (GS) – Exclusive to the goalkeeper position -1
Penalty committed (PC) -1
Offensive actions Points
Suffering Foul (FS) 0,5
Incomplete passe (PE) – 0,1
Assistance (A) 4
Finalization in the post (ft) 3
Defended Finishing (FD) 1,2
Goal (g) 8
Impediment (i) – 0,1
Lost Penalty (PP) – 4,0
Penalty suffered (PS) 1

A Team score is made according to the score of all team players and more the coach – The coach’s score is given according to the average of all players on the team.

MORE: Cartola 2025: How it works, inscription and price of the game’s main stars

With the Reserve system, if one of the user -cast players do not act in the match, it is replaced by the position reserve. Substitution happens automatically, but does not happen if the reservation scores zero or negative. Substitutions follow priority order: departure time, if the athlete is a captain, the athlete of higher value or alphabetical order.

Luxury reserve

The main change in the top hat for 2025 is the introduction of a Luxury reserve. During the open market, a player can be chosen to be the luxury reserve. It automatically replaces the holder of the position that has the lowest score as long as it has made a higher score.

MORE: Can teams from Brazil go to Concacaf and leave Conmebol?

Summary of Changes from Cartola FC to 2025

  • Luxury Reserve: Replaces Automatically the position holder if he has a higher score
  • Increased scout scout score: 1.2 for 1.5
  • Defense: From 1 to 1.3 point
  • Increase in initial assets: 100 for 110 cards
  • There will be no photos of players or club shields, then Cartola FC did not acquire image rights
  • Master Cat: punctuation forecast and appreciation analysis of each player
  • Novo layout: The game gained modern appearance, with improvements in navigation flow

MORE: Cartola score: what changed to Brasileirão 2025

What is the price of stars?

Os Athletes vary of value. Obviously, the Main names in Brazilian football, those with more potential to score, are more expensive. For season 2025, for example, Neymar has the “price” of C $ 25. Atletico-MG striker Hulk, one of the most valuable assets in the history of the top hat, costs C $ 24. Oscar, from Sao Paulo, Vale C $ 20.

Games of the first round of Brasileirão 2025

Saturday – 03/29

  • 18h30 – Sao Paulo x Sport
  • 18h30 – Cruise x Mirassol
  • 18h30 – Grêmio x Atlético -MG
  • 6:30 pm – Fortaleza x Fluminense
  • 18h30 – Youth x Vitória
  • 21h – Flamengo x International

Domingo – 30/03

  • 16h – Palmeiras x Botafogo
  • 18h30 – Vasco x Santos
  • 20h – Bahia x Corinthians

Monday – 31/03

  • 20h – Red Bull Bragantino x Ceará

How to sign up for the top hat?

To play the top hat, you need to have a counts at Globo and access the Cartola application Or the game page on the internet to start creating your team.

There is the free option or Cartola Pro, which costs $ 4.99 per month. The Cartola Pro entitles you to be able to sign up for more different leagues and awards.


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