Considered one of the greatest successes of Brazilian television drama, the soap opera “VALUE EVERYTHING”1988, stood out in the national press after the announcement of the remake written by Manuela Dias And that replaces “Mania de you” at 9 pm.
The new plot directed by Paulo Silvestrini debuts March 31, and is by names such as, Carolina Dieckmann, Cauã Reymond and Humberto Carrão.
Some actors and actresses of the original version have died in the last 37 years as Beatriz Segall, who played villain Odete Roitman, who died at the age of 92, as was Pedro Paulo Rangel who lived the mysterious Poliana.
Remember the artists:
Beatriz Segall
Beatriz Segall He died at age 92 on September 5, 2018, due to breathing problems and complications of Alzheimer’s diagnosis. She played one of the most emblematic villains of the soap operas of all time and the mystery about “” stirred the public in the 1980s. The resolution of the mystery happened only in the last chapter of the plot and the actress spoke about this in interviews until her latest interviews.
Beatriz Segall’s latest work on television was Yolanda, in the series “The Experienced” in 2015, when she played a lady who gets stuck in a bank during a robbery. The actress left three children – Sergio, Mario and Paulo – and eight grandchildren.
Na, the actress to play the villain ,.
Jairo Lourenço
Luciano in the plot, the actor Jairo Lourenço He died at the age of 60 a victim of a stroke (stroke) on November 29, 2021, in the city of São José dos Pinhais, Paraná. Years earlier, he had also suffered another stroke.
Jairo did not have an extensive career on television, but acted in other TV Globo soap operas as “The Owner of the World” (1991), “Force of a Desire” (1999) and one of the seasons of “Workout”.
Ivan’s best friend will be interpreted by Licínio Januario In the new version of the 9 soap opera, “Vale Tudo”.
Cláudio Corrêa and Castro
Already Cláudio Corrêa and Castroo Bartolomeudied on August 16, 2005 2005, at the age of 77. At the time, he underwent heart surgery and faced complications. The official information said that she died of multiple organ failure.
Until the moment of his death, the artist lived in the retreat of the artists in Rio de Janeiro, after facing a long separation from his wife, Mirian Ayreswith whom he was married for about 20 years and had two children, Gabriel and João Pedro. In addition to these, Claudio also had Guilherme, the result of the first marriage.
His last work as an actor of soap operas was in the role of Dr. Afonso, in “Lady of Destiny” in 2004. Claudio interpreted other successful characters in plots such as “Sinhá Moça” (1986), “Tieta” (1989), “Queen of Scrap” (1990), “The Clove and the Rose” (2000) and “Chocolate with Pepper” (2003).
The character Bartolomeu will be interpreted by Luís Melo In the remake of “Vale Tudo” in 2025.
Lourdes Mayer
Lourdes Mayer He was 78 when he died a victim of the complications of a pulmonary emphysema on July 25, 1998. She played Dona Pequenina, grandmother of.
His last television work was like the mother superior of the first version of “Xica da Silva” in 1996 on TV Manchete. She started her career on the radio and worked on “Dancin ‘Days” (1978) and “Rebel Years” (1992).
Lourdes was married to the actor Rodolfo Mayer Until 1959, with whom he had two children, Ricardo and Rodolfo.
The new version of “Vale Tudo” (2025) does not predict the return of the character Dona Little.
Pedro Paulo Rangel
Actor who lived Audálio – better known as Poliana –, Pedro Paulo Rangel He died on December 21, 2022, at age 74, due to respiratory failure and treated a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. He never spoke openly about his sexuality and made one of the first openly gay characters of TV in the soap opera “Pedra Under Pedra” in 1992.
His last work in soap operas was like Zé da Carmen, in “Love Eternal Amor” (2012) and later played in series and movies. He starred in the first men’s nude of Brazilian TV in the soap opera “Gabriela” in 1975.
In addition to them, Pedro Paulo also acted in hits such as “Pirate TV” (1988-1992), “Funny” (1995), “The Indomada” (1997), “The Carnation and the Rose” (2000) and “Belíssima” (2005).
The Poliana character will be interpreted by Matheus Nachtergaele In the remake of “Vale Tudo” in 2025.
Adriano Reys
Adriano Reys, who played the magazine director Renato Filipellidied in 2011, at age 78, due to liver and peritoneum cancer. He had been married to Vivi Cantinho for 29 years and the couple had no children.
In his last television work, the actor lived Tonho in RecordTV’s soap opera “Mutantes: Promise of Love. He was also in the soap operas “Ti Ti Ti” (1985), “Handbreak” (1990), “Women of Sand” (1993), “Four by Quatro” (1994) and “Kubanacan” (2003).
The actor João Vicente de CastrIt is the one who plays Renato na, the.
Fabio Junqueira
Fabio Junqueira He was 52 years old when he died of a brain tumor on November 20, 2008. He was television director and films and the actor’s father Caio Junqueirawho died at the age of 42, a victim of a car accident at the Flamengo landfill in 2019. Fabio was married to Maria Inez Torresmother of the actor Jonas Torresand encouraged stepson in the artistic career.
On television, his latest work was as Dr. Paulo in the latest version of “The Slave Isaura” (2004), produced by RecordTV. He also shone in “Riacho Doce” (1990), “My Good My Evil” (1990), “four by four” (1995), “For Love” (1998) and “Passionate Women” (2003).
The Fred character should not enter the new version of “Vale Tudo”, which replaces “Mania de you” in 2025.
Sérgio Mamberti
Known for its interpretation as the butler Eugênio, Sérgio Mamberti He died on September 3, 2021, at the age of 82, after being hospitalized with infection in his lungs. Death was due to multiple bankruptcy in the organs.
He was an actor, director, producer, author, artist and held various political positions in the Ministry of Culture. He even married in 1964 with Vivien Mahr, with whom he had Duda, Fabrício and Carlos. After the death of his wife in 1980, Mamberti took on a relationship with Ednado Torquatowith whom he lived for another 37 years and adopted a daughter, Daniele. He spoke openly about his bisexuality in an autobiographical book.
Sérgio had a long career as a television actor and played Dom Manfredo in the soap opera “Sol Nascente” in 2016. One of the most emblematic characters interpreted by him was not in soap operas, but in TV Cultura’s “Ra-Tim-Bum” children’s show, in which he played the role of Dr. Victor, a wizard who had hundreds of years. In soap operas, he was in “Pantanal” (1990), “Angel Mau” (1997), “Guia Star” (2001) and “Flor do Caribe” (2013).
The Eugênio butler will be interpreted by Luís Salem In the new version of “Vale Tudo”, written by Manuela Dias.
Sebastião Vasconcelos
Finally, Sebastião VasconcelosSalvador’s interpreter, Raquel’s father, died on July 15, 2013, at age 86, due to septic shock and cardiorespiratory arrest. He had been hospitalized days earlier with pneumonia. He was married to VILMA GUISSER COSTA For 54 years, with whom he had two children.
Sebastião’s most recent work as an actor of soap operas was in RecordTV’s “Caminhos do Heart” (2007), in which he played Mauro. On TV Globo, he could recently be seen in the re -presentation of.
In addition to these soap operas, the artist also made emblematic roles in TV Globo plots such as “Selva de Pedra” (1986), “Women of Sand” (1993), “The Clone” (2001) and “The House of Seven Women” (2003).
The character Salvador will be interpreted by Antonio Pitanga In the remake of “anything”.