In a video published on social networks, the president recalls the 1st visit to the country and talks about strengthening “economic, social and political” bonds
The President (PT) wants to strengthen ties with the through economic agreements and partnerships. In video in his official Instagram profile, Lula remembered the 1st trip to the Asian country and spoke about the importance of Brazil to receive its investments.
In the post, which brings parts of Lula’s speech at the end of the Brazil-Japan Forum, the president explains that the first time he was in Japan was the invitation of workers of the Japanese automaker, Toyota. He said that now he wants to strengthen ties “economic, social and political”With the country.We will sign 10 cooperation agreements in the most diverse areas, as well as almost 80 instruments between companies, banks, universities and other institutions”Said the president.
Lula cited between Brazil and Japan, which has had a deficit of more than $ 6 billion over the past 15 years, from $ 17 billion in 2011 to $ 11 billion in 2024. He said a solution to balance the bill is to establish an agreement between Japan and Mercosur and an increase in external investments.
“Our bilateral trade has decreased in recent years. This business forum is the opportunity to reverse this decline. I am sure we need to advance with the signing of an economic partnership agreement between Japan and Mercosur. The future of our relationship also involves increasing investments. We are fostering social, economic, legal, environmental and political stability that consolidate Brazil as an excellent option for investors”He argued.
Danger of “Extreme right” And criticism of Trump
In another part of the speech, Lula said that with the rise of “Extremely negationist” and criticized protectionism and disbelief in the climate issue.
“Democracy is at risk on the planet with a negotiating far right that does not even recognize vaccine, does not even recognize climate instability and does not even recognize political parties, unions and other things. And the denial of politics will bring no benefit to humanity“He said.
The comments were seen as pinned to the president of the United States, Donald Trump (Republican Party). Lula quoted “Negotists who do not even want to meet the fulfillment of the Kyoto Protocol”, The United States refused to sign the agreement, established in 1997 to reduce the global emission.
Lula also opened the doors to Japanese entrepreneurs, stating that Brazil is a “port-seguro”For foreign investors.“I want to invite the Japanese to invest in Brazil, because Brazil is a safe haven, as it was for the Japanese in 1908, we want to be in 2025 attracting partnerships, joint ventures and Japanese investments in our country”Said Lula.
Watch the full speech (19min):
The president had already commented on the possibility of receiving Japanese investors during a meeting with representatives of ABIEC (Brazilian Association of Exporting Industries), on Tuesday (24.mar). To the he stressed the development of Brazilian ethanol and invited businessmen from the Asian country to bring capital in Brazil.
Still on investments and business partnerships, Lula commented on the need to sign an agreement between Japan and Mercosur. Said the countries “have more to gain from integration than with protectionist practices”In a new pin and the Trump and import tariffs imposed by the Republican.