How can a state championship have an award on the same level as Copa do Brasilthe competition that likes to be called the richest from the continent? The answer is, at the same time, a problem for those who want a renovation in the calendar and a source of pride for the Paulista Football Federation.
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Let’s first to numbers. Palm trees, Corinthians, Santos e São Paulo win, just for participating in the Paulista Championship, R $ 44 million. The big four may even lose the 12 first phase games that they will receive this amount guaranteed.
The champion of Paulistanwhich will be known on Thursday (27) after the match between Palmeiras and Corinthians in Neo Chemistry Arenaearns more R $ 5 millionwith the deputy taking about R $ 1.5 million.
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In all, they are R $ 400 million Distributed among the 16 participants of the 2025 edition. Between 2022 and the current season, the total money passed on to clubs, between awards and marketing recipes, comes to R $ 1 billion.
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To get an idea, if a series in the series starts in the first phase of the Copa do Brasil And reach the semifinal, he will win R $ 24 million. To reach the same level as Paulistan, the team needs to be a finalist and guarantee at least the vice prize, which is just over $ 33 million, totaling R $ 57 million. The champion, in turn, reaches the R $ 101 million.
How is this possible? What is the magic of the Paulista Championship? The first step was to completely reformulate Sale of television rights. The vast majority of state competitions are centralized in just one group, while São Paulo state is divided into six: Record, Cazé TV, TNT Sports, UOL Play, our football and zapping.
This format is guaranteed at least until 2029 and has maintained the interest of sponsors, who also help the Federation offer the package so large so that the teams do not set aside the state.
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In 2025, there are 19 brands sponsoring Paulistão, with bis, Sicredi, Clear, Byd, Centaur, Lays, Sanofi, Rayovac being the most relevant brands, but there are also several other small properties that add to the total value. The game’s ace trophy, for example, is delivered by the 7K betting house.
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In addition, there are special actions, such as replacement of the guy or crown by debit or credit in the currency that defines those who start with the ball. There is the special LED for when the goal is scored, naming rights present in all transmissions and cited by narrators with warranty in contract. As the images are made by the federation and passed on to the rights owners, the interests of sponsors are guaranteed.
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This model made Paulistan shoot in Collection with Marketing. The survey of the Paulista Football Federation indicates that the competition raised by 2025 five times more than raised in 2021, in the last year of the previous model, when Globo had all rights.
In addition to the R $ 44 million distributed to the four largest teams, the Federation also pays a high prize to the other participants. They are R $ 13 million for the Red Bull Bragantinothe little one who earns the most, and at least $ 8 million for the other teams. Again to make a comparison with the Brazilian Cup, the Serial team that comes out of the first phase and reaches the round of 16 R $ 9 million.
To protect itself from all investment, the organization puts in the regulation a limit of the number of base categories players. Thus, it is unfeasible for the teams to play the tournament with only unknown young people, forcing the at least partial use of the main athletes of each team.
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The money, of course, makes a difference to the investment of the teams and reflects directly on the technical level of the championship. In addition to the four large and Red Bull Bragantino, Paulistan still has the Mirassol As a representative among the 20 teams in Serie A. That is, almost a third of the national elite is made up of São Paulo teams. And look that the account did not increase, with the Novorizontine passing near the elite.
This power means an obstacle to teams that think of reducing the state’s presence in the calendar. The Paulistas is unlikely to be able to give up competition even if it means a better preseason for their athletes and technicians. Meanwhile, the neighbors suffer from scrapped states and much less interest and money.