State cut more than 3 billion in defense in the last decade

by Andrea
State cut more than 3 billion in defense in the last decade

State cut more than 3 billion in defense in the last decade

Were it not for the consecutive cuts in defense of governments since 2014, Portugal could have reached the goal of the NATO.

According to data released this Tuesday by, investments abandoned by governments since 2014 in defense represent 1.3 billion euros.

But if it is into account for the general budgetary subexecument, the number to 3.2 billion euroswhich is equivalent to 1% of the national gross domestic product. 1.8 billion were “spared” in current expense.

According to the newspaper’s accounts, the cuts in defense were what caused Portuguese insufficiency in the response to NATO’s goal, which Asks for a 2% expense in this sectorin the face of the scalar of the violence of international conflicts. There are even those who advocate a 3% GDP investment, or more, from NATO nations.

According to the DN, it was not these cuts in the investments, enacted by left and right governments, Portugal would be able to meet the international goals.

To help the country’s difficulties in this field, also the number of staff of the Armed Forces descended. In 2015, according to data from the Directorate-General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP), the sector had 38,000 professionals, and in 2024 The number had fallen to 30 thousand – This is a 20% reduction in less than 10 years.

The accumulated investment deficit is now 1.3 billion euros, and the government now tries Recover this delay. In addition to improving infrastructure, the state also wants to buy oceanic patrol ships, KC-390 transport aircraft and supplying ships. The investment should also undergo military technology.

The Prime Minister announced earlier this year that the government wants to anticipate the expected date for the goal o 2%-for now, the Predictions to meet the expectations of the NATO point to 2029 only.

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