Zap // dr
A new study revealed that long distance runners have a “bizarre” brain shrinkage.
Run (any distance) has numerous health benefits, but – like almost everything in life – also has its cons.
A study this Monday in Nature Metabolism It has revealed that traveling great distances may not be very good for the brain.
Scientists at the University of Basque (UPV/EHU) in Spain identified a link between the marathon race (42,195 km) and a marked reduction in protective myelin that surrounds nerve fibers (axon) in the brain.
When the body’s energy sources run out, the body burns fat – Lipids – As fuel. And myelin is 70-80% of lipids. That is, marathon runner are burning some very important fat in their brains while running to the goal.
Myelin is critical to facilitating the transmission of electrical signals in the brain and spinal cord. This loss of myelin can culminate in neurological diseases, such as Stroke and multiple sclerosis.
Myelin returns to normal two months later
As it details, in the new study, the scienitstas examined brain examinations by magnetic resonance imaging of runners before the race and then 48 hours after they completed the strenuous 42 km route.
By the negative, it was confirmed that, in a dozen areas of the brain, in regions associated with motor coordination, senses and emotions, myelin was visibly exhausted after a race.
Nevertheless, later exams showed that myelin had naturally increased two weeks after the race.
Furthermore, it returned to normal levels two months later.
The results were not affected by the hydration levels of a corridor.
Although the study provides interesting clues to understand how the sports of resistance and cognitive function are potentially linkedthe investigators admit that their study has limitations, namely the fact that the sample is short: 10 marathon runners between 45 and 73 years.
Strong evidence continues to run a marathon is harmful to the short/long term cognitive function. But one thing is certain: Who predisposes to run 42 km voluntarily does not seem to be very well of the head…