A video that circulates on social networks shows two young people doing a “Role” of motorcycle inside Shopping Taboãoin Taboão da Serra, in Greater São Paulo. The content was produced and published on Tuesday (25) by influencer Edenilson Ribeiro, but the video was excluded by Instagram itself.
In the images, two motorcyclists recorded the “ride” inside the mall. They enter the main entrance and travel the corridors of the place, dribbling customers and kiosks that are in front.
Watch the video:
The administration of Shopping Taboão issued a press note in which it defines the actions of the moticists as “reckless”. In addition, he said he is collaborating with authorities na investigation of the case. To the images of the internal security circuit were delivered to the police.
See the full note:
“The mall informs that, on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 25, two individuals accessed internal areas of the venture conducting motorcycles recklessly.
The images of the internal circuit were referred to the competent authorities, and the case undergoes investigation. The mall is available to assist in the investigations.
We emphasize that the enterprise repudiates any attitude that compromises the integrity and well-being of its customers, retailers and employees, and reinforces its commitment to the security of all visitors. ”
A CNN He asked for a position for the influencer and the Public Security Bureau (SSP), but has not been returned so far. The space is still open.