They are so small that you can easily overlook them. Yet (or rather because of this), in this case, it pays great caution. The eggs of ticks can hide anywhere in the garden and soon begin to change in danger to your animals and you.
What pitfalls can a tick to the garden bring? We know well about Lyme borreliosis, tick -borne encephalitis, but also about other diseases whose carriers are these parasites. Therefore, it will certainly be better to turn with them even before several phases of development get to the adult stage, which can really get our heads.
You can find out more about ticks in the youtub video in the Prima Zoom channel:
Source: YouTube
You won’t find a lonely egg
The eggs are the first phase of the tick, followed by larva, nymph and adult. But what do they look like and where in the garden should we look after them? They are tiny and shiny brown from light to dark shades. It is difficult to find a separately “thrown” egg, they are always in clusters, most often in a damp and shady place. So explore the places under the leaves, between stones, accessible cavities of trees or surroundings of shrubs. It really pays off consistency, because you will save a lot of future worries at this stage.
Disposal is necessary
Okay, we found a pile of eggs of ticks, but what about her now? There is no point in trying to pick them up, throw away (where?), Or in good faith that they are future living creatures, it is somewhere to move. We would just contribute to the multiplication of the population, which we certainly do not want. Therefore, we simply have to destroy them without much thinking. Do not rely on fine methods, in this case the use of chemical spraying or fire, or boiling water, which will also immediately destroy the eggs.
Create them an enemy environment
To prevent further and further multiplication of ticks in the garden, we have to create a literally enemy environment from the land. We are lucky that what she hates, we love it – that is, order, tidy beds, a lawn without old fallen leaves and piles of left cut grass. In short, well: cleaning and care for the garden pays off the IZ view of the fight against ticks.
By herbs against ticks
If, despite all the perfect order in the garden, even more insured in front of the tick arms raids, we can plant plants around the plot that will make it clear that they are not welcome here. For example, lavender, rosemary, or marigold medical will be suitable. Sometimes a barrier from mulch, or gravel, which exceeds ticks only very reluctant and, if they have any other option, prefer to avoid them.
Nature yes, but …
Although we are very happy to return to a closer connection with nature today, keep in mind that too frequent walks of wild animals on our land will definitely not do good service in this respect. It is she who already brings adult ticks. They fall off in the garden and can multiply. It is no fun, for one female produces thousands of eggs, ie thousands of other parasites. So ensure the garden against such (albeit certainly beautiful) visits and deer and hare to look at the fence.