Only Denmark did the adoption within the legal deadline
The European Commission urged Portugal and 25 other European Union (EU) countries, all less to Denmark, to adopt the new rules of conception of the electric market in two months, which should have happened until January.
“The European Commission has today decided to start infringement procedures, sending letters of notification to comply with 26 Member States,” including Portugal, “because they did not transposed in full to national law some of the provisions” of the Union Electricity Market setting, the institution, the institution indicates in a statement.
Pointing out that the 27 EU countries had to notify the transposition of the Directive until January 17, 2025, except for the provisions related to the free choice of the supplier and the energy sharing for which they will have until July 17, 2026, the community executive indicates that only Denmark has adopted within the legal deadline.
“Therefore, the Commission is sending formal notification letters to the other 26 Member States. These now have two months to respond, complete the transposition and notify their measures to the commission and, in the absence of a satisfactory response, the commission may decide to issue a grounded opinion,” says the institution.
The new rules in question, adopted by the EU following the increase in energy prices namely after the 2022 energy crisis, aim to make electricity prices more stable and less dependent on the price of fossil fuels.
According to Brussels, the application of legislation is critical to ensuring that European consumers – both families and companies – face energy costs that reflect cheaper production values of renewable energy and more predictable prices.
The reform of the European Electricity Market conception also allows better protection of consumers, both in terms of a greater choice of contracts and in case of cutting the connection, is still stressed.